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LG VX-8000


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Couple More Months


Nov 15, 2004, 6:48 PM
This phone won't be out until mid January at the earliest. The consumer trial for this phone and the media service over EVDO is just about to get under way and will last approximately 2 mos. It's going to take place in D.C. and California. The full launch of the VZW EVDO won't be until mid january (if everything happens according to current timelines). I highly doubt that this phone will be launched much before, if earlier at all, than the service it was created to use is fully launched. For anyone on this thread that works at VZW type in "lg vx8000" in the search bar on top of the VZWEB home page and check out some of the links from Jan 9 - Jan 11. Some fun reading if you havn't already seen it!

Nov 15, 2004, 7:00 PM
hmmm i will have to do that search tomorrow, thanks for the heads up

Nov 15, 2004, 10:57 PM
how would a regular person find those articles, u know, somebody who doesn't work for verizon, which I THINK is most of the users.

Nov 17, 2004, 6:50 AM
Quit your job and apply at a verizon store near you 😁

Theres no definitive proof of its release. For all anyone on these boards KNOWS, it could be out in 2 weeks. I don't even think Verizon knows when they will be releasing it.. but it will be soon, you can count on that.

I for one still think it will be before christmas.. If not, then the January ballpark sounds about right. Someone mentioned that approximately 500 vx8000s will be released on the 22nd to users in the EVDO markets at the time. Most of them will probably be VZW emplyees though.

Nov 17, 2004, 9:01 PM
You're correct about the test groups. 500 people in D.C. and 500 in California. These people were all invited by VZW to be a part of the test for the Mobile Media service which combines pix/flix messaging, downloadable and streaming videos, mobile web 2.0, and Get it Now. If these people decide to be a part of the study they get to keep the VX8000. They pay $15/mo for the service so that's not free but they do get to keep the phone if they help in the testing! I have absolutely no official knowledge of when this phone will be released but the testing isn't going to be complete before Jan 17, 05 so I really don't think that it will be out for Christmas...UNFORTUNATELY! Let's keep our hopes up.

I havn't heard anything about recalls ...

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