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Motorola MPx220


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Simple Question????!!!!


Dec 3, 2004, 12:05 PM
I just want to transfer my contacts from my old SIM card to the memory of the phone...
I have spent hours on hold and talking to the Motorola cust reps. and they seems like they have no idea what they're talking about. They transfer and they have not been able to help me. Please help....!!!!!

Dec 3, 2004, 3:12 PM
Cingular should have a way to transfer contacts from one phone to another. I know that Verizon did when I was their customer. I had to manually put my contacts on this phone as my Verizon phone was so old, it had no sim card. What now disturbs me is that all my contacts are on the phone and not the sim card and I now learn that I will have to manually, one contact at a time, transfer my contacts tothe sim card. This sucks.

Dec 8, 2004, 12:22 AM
Cingular Company owned stores in my area have a device called a UME(universal memory exchange). It can transfer contacts from ANY phone to a new Cingular sim.

I know Best Buy had the exclusive lead on this phone , but here's another good reason to go directly to the source and eliminate the middle man.

Yes, I am Cingular retail employee.

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