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Motorola V600


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Emailed Motorola...


Feb 13, 2004, 4:25 PM
This is what I got in response to an email I sent earlier today from a motorola rep. So, much like hot_md_guy just said, it's still possible to be released this month, however she (the motorola rep) didn't say anything about software issues.

"Thank you for your recent correspondence with Motorola.

Regarding your concern, we are expecting the Motorola V600 to be launched by the first week of february 2004.
Actually, there was a delay, due to licensing issues with the FCC . We apologize for the
inconvenience this might cause you.

We are going to ship it to ATT only at first on the third week of February, so they will only release it in those areas
that they have GSM coverage which is most of the larger states but not the en...

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