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Motorola V600


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Dispelling myths: A LIVE REPORT from V600 central


Feb 13, 2004, 3:46 PM
The atlantic region Motorola representative, Jonathan Keeney visited my store today in Maryland. Of course he had a live V600! He dispelled alot of things. First off, I will post pics later!! Of the new phone, of the moto rep, his businesscard and the official preview slick for the phone! Check back tonight around 8pm eastern if interested.

Here's the scoop:

The v600 was delayed for a minor software error. Basically, the phone's screen would go black, much like the old Motorola T720 series. His interpretation is that the phone will still be availible by the end of February!! Nothing promised though.

Secondly, T Mobile customers: TOUGH LUCK. Your carrier has zero chance of getting a T Mobile branded phone. Sorry. However, he confirme...

Feb 13, 2004, 6:58 PM
Again, instead of trying to become "Mr. I Told You So, I Know It All"... the only way the phone will ever be released when it is actually in the store. All of your contacts, sources, rumors whatever are never concrete until the handset is physically in the store and up for sale for any/whatever carrier.

Like I said before, lets keep it in perspective.. it is just a cell phone.


Feb 15, 2004, 6:52 PM
hey man,
i saw you say that the at&t website will get it before the stores will so then it definately wont be in stores tomorrow right???
And when it does go on-line will i be able to call customer service and get it for the same price so i can upgrade my phone????

Feb 15, 2004, 8:33 PM
hot md guy.

Does this guy Keeney and his bosses know about the level of attention this phone is getting? Do they know about the amount of anger this is creating with the consumers? Are they going to do marketing about face and admit that they have a product that will be worse that the 720?

Do they plan to be honest and tell the public what is going on and when is a promissed final/actual release (with no more delays)?

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