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Motorola V600


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Uhh I hope this is not true.


Feb 12, 2004, 4:36 PM
I just went to my att store and the guy who always helps me out said he got an email today saying that the V600 is not coming out till APRIL. This is what I heard from his lips to your computer screens. I hope he is wrong. I hope somebody can prove me wrong.

Feb 13, 2004, 12:30 AM
Your contact was right. Looks like this phone should be 2 months out now or more because of software issues. Mid or late April. Bummer. I saw one today for the first time (beta model) and it is pretty damn sexy.... Opening and closing the metal-bodied flip feels like opening the door to a Mercedes. Solid, nice "click", you get the idea. Ring tones are killer also. Menu looks like a nrw version of T720/721/722, which, while not a horrible thing, continues Motorola's tradition of less-intuitive menu systems. If this thing had come out in October when it was supposed to it would have taken no prisoners. 6 months later, in April, though, and it is much less compelling...

Feb 13, 2004, 3:21 AM
So, if this rumor is actually true, does any one know if software issues can be corrected after the phone is purchased? If i was to buy one now, can i get the software updated or am i stuck with what i have?

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