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Motorola V600


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Feb 4, 2004, 2:41 PM
Yes.. It's finally here.. Now I know i can get the phone because I know several people w/ ATT; but I'm going to need to get it unlocked.. Any info from non-ATT people?

Feb 4, 2004, 6:48 PM
As of right now... motorola has disabled their remote unlocking server because of abuse. This started last week and could continue till the end of the month. What that means is that all those sites in the UK and what have you, that do unlocking are unable to do so at this time. Those that say they can will just take your money and put you on a list until the servers re-open... so BEWARE! I was buying V300's at my cost, unlocking them, and then selling them on eBay, but all of that is on hold for now. I've seen some sites that have said they think the servers will open next week, but it is anybody's guess. ☹️

Feb 12, 2004, 7:56 PM
I have a v300 that is locked. Do you know if motorola's remote unlocking server is up and running yet? 😢

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