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BlackBerry Storm 9530


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30 day follow up mini review of my BB Storm 9530 on Verizon


Feb 24, 2009, 1:56 PM
30 day follow up mini review of my BB Storm 9530 on Verizon.

First off let me just say, I am loving my Storm,
I have updated my OS to .103, no problems.

- Good battery life even with the
standard battery

- Voice dial is great

- seems to get better reception overall

- clicky screen has grown on me in a good way.

- Watching videos in landscape is still very

- The alarm clock feature when charging is

- The built in browser has been able to render
just about every web page I have visited

- The Blackberry OS is just superior to
Windows Mobile is so many ways.

- Super clear readable fonts and text.

- Love how you can listen to music and
the phone is smart enough to pause,...

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