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BlackBerry Storm 9530


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Couple a questions


Feb 18, 2009, 10:49 PM
My wife and I did the bogo thing; we're both loving this phone. I was with vz/pearl and she had the curve/tmob. Must say the bb2bb is the best.
Does using the auto off/on really speed up the operations of the phone? I never used it with my pearl.
Just how do you delete unneeded apps? I've looked in Options and tried under Applications; there's no delete function.
And about the key adjustments: key rate? and tap interval? Still struggling with the tap screen thing.
Thanks for any help.
Vox Dei

Feb 19, 2009, 11:57 AM
Load up Blackberry desktop and there is an app manager in there. You can remove and add apps from there.

Feb 20, 2009, 12:51 AM
Ah ha-I should have guessed. Many thanks, we haven't done that yet; still playing with our new toys 🤣

Feb 20, 2009, 1:35 AM
iamajim said:
Does using the auto off/on really speed up the operations of the phone?

And about the key adjustments: key rate? and tap interval? Still struggling with the tap screen thing.
Thanks for any help.

What might speed up the phone a little is deleting unused apps. Don't go overboard though. You want to enjoy your phone!

Tap interval and swipe sensitivity and Hover period adjustments found in Options/Screen Keyboard can help some too.

Later when you get more adventurous, higher unofficial operating systems have been leaking at a very good rate. Most tend to speed up the Storm in a big way.
Enjoy your Storm 😁

Feb 20, 2009, 12:37 PM
Yeah, this is head and shoulders over the Pearl and I really liked that phone. Just trying to figure out all of the stuff it can do.

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