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BlackBerry Storm 9530


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Alerts Sounds


Dec 8, 2008, 5:19 PM
So on the curve and pearl you have the option of setting your alert to beep more than once. Acctually you can have it sound up to 3 times. Is this something you can do on the storm? Or is it something that was left out of the software and might get fixed later? Because I couldnt find it anywhere.

Dec 8, 2008, 7:18 PM
reebs2k said:
So on the curve and pearl you have the option of setting your alert to beep more than once. Acctually you can have it sound up to 3 times. Is this something you can do on the storm? Or is it something that was left out of the software and might get fixed later? Because I couldnt find it anywhere.

I believe you can. Go into sounds and scroll down to "custom Profiles" and add a custom profile.

Hope that helps 😁

Dec 9, 2008, 1:51 PM
I went into that and tried....however it doesnt open up an option on how many times for it to beep......I wonder if this is the way it is on the newer blackberry's?

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