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BlackBerry Curve 8330


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Slow SMS Text Messaging


Jun 24, 2008, 2:30 PM
I have the Sprint Curve and have noticed that reading and sending SMS texts is getting slower all the time. What I mean is that you hit send, and it freezes for a few seconds, then sends it. It also occurs when opening a recieved messeage, you click on it wait a few seconds then it opens. by few, i mean about 5 seconds. Its getting pretty annoying. I have my corporate email synced to my phone, and I have hundreds of e-mails in my outlook. Could this be the reason? How bout to many SMS texts back logged? Anyone else having this problem?

Jun 24, 2008, 2:49 PM
I have this problem as well on my 8330. I send 5000-7000 text per month and it does get slow. I was able to free up a little bit of memory by storing all media on my MricroSD and setting the on phone storage to 0 for my pictures.

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