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Sprint HTC Mogul or Sprint Treo 755p???


Nov 3, 2007, 10:26 AM
Hello everyone. I've been trying to make a decision on which phone to upgrade to for a REALLY long time now, and I'm really stuck between these two. I've never had a PDA (coming from a Samsung A900)and all of my research still hasn't helped me decide. Does anyone out there know which phone is actually better??? Please help! Thanx!

Nov 3, 2007, 12:17 PM
...personally I would advise the Mogul. I personally have it, and I LOVE it. Its fast, stylish, the Windows userface is real familiar and easy...you can stream videos from Youtube, Google, with a simple download. The feel of the phone is magnificent.

--The Mogul has the Sprint Music Store, the 755p does not

--The 755p has the SprinTV feature out of the box, but a simple download enables the Mogul as well.

--The Mogul has a 2.0 MP camera, the 755p has a 1.3 MP camera.

--The Mogul comes with a 512MB memory card, im not sure if the 755p does or does not.

Theres too much to list, overall I would pick the Mogul over the 755p anyday! Just a personal opinion. I played with a 755p and personally I dont like it...it feels way too deli...

Nov 4, 2007, 11:06 AM
You might also want to check the Touch which is released as of today. But, in the long run, I like the Mogul better, but thats my personal opinion.

Nov 4, 2007, 8:37 PM
Thanx guys!! I was leaning toward that one, so I'm glad that's the one you two suggested! Thanx! That helped a lot.

I also heard that the sound quality was really bad...like it's really hard to hear music ringtones, and conversations. Is this true???

Nov 5, 2007, 5:01 PM
The voice is fine on the Mogul, problem being is people don't place it to their properly, it sits lower then similar phones. Once you do that, any issues of poor call quality disappear. If the top of the Mogul is above the oracle (your ear), its placed wrong.

Still, do youself a favor, look at different phones, the Mogul, the Touch and the AT&T Tilt.

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