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HTC Mogul / XV6800 / PPC6800 / P4000


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lack of announcement of the 6800


Oct 3, 2007, 7:37 PM
if any of you top guys for verizon are listening. what is the delay with the pda phones? were waiting and your new phones announced today isn't what we want. iphone killer ohh please. 😛 if you want a stir release the 6800 or get the tilt in your line up. anyone reading this can you comment along with me so maybe they will get the hint that their 4 phone holiday lineup isn't what we were waiting for. thanks in advance
nc user

Oct 3, 2007, 7:56 PM
i agree- either say it is coming out when testing is complete, or say it is not coming out. not sure anybody knows what is going on. there is not a suitable alternative for now

Oct 3, 2007, 10:55 PM
I can't agree more. WHAT in the world is Verizon waiting for? It has been AT LEAST five months (more I think). I heard on the radio tonight on the way home about the announcement, and thought, finally!! Nope!! There "other" iPhones pale in comparasion to this one. Come on Verizon - get it together!!

Oct 3, 2007, 10:54 PM
I see a couple signs of hope. First, V-dubs has let the xv6700 go out of stock. Second, when was the last time you saw them put marketing money into a PDA phone? Third, a lot of recent speculation has been pointing towards Oct 15th as the release date.

Still, this is all speculation... and yes, I'm equally pissed off about sitting here with my old phone, check and waiting, checking and waiting. My patience (and contract) is running out!

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