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HTC Mogul / XV6800 / PPC6800 / P4000


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volume on ppc-6800


Sep 20, 2007, 8:46 AM
Can anyone who own a ppc-6800 (mogul) tell me what the call volume sounds like. For example, can I hear the other person loudly or is the volume low. I have a treo 700p and I had to put volumecare application on it so that I could actually hear the other person during a conversation. If the ppc-6800 volume is low, do you know of any applications that I could put on.

Sep 20, 2007, 5:17 PM
Well i have the Mogul and the call quality is GREAT. I mean, its not all the phone that gets you the poor quality on you being able to hear good, it STRONGLY depends on the reception on both parties. Ya know, if you have 4-5 bars then you'll have 0 problems with the hearing. I know for a fact the included headset peice works GREAT for voice calls and music, the volume on that sounds waaaay good. But to be honest, i dont know of any direct applications that would make the 6800's sound quality work great. But hey, its the best phone out right now believe me. i love my phone, but personally i would go to PPCgeeks.com

those guys have literally info on EVERYTHING you can do to personalize your Mogul. from getting direct MMS, changing the backg...

Sep 21, 2007, 11:03 AM
Thankyou, You've helped me make my decision. Its the mogul im getting not the razr2. I love pda phones and although the razr2 is cute, it doesn't have the same functions as the mogul

Sep 21, 2007, 11:17 AM
I almost forgot to ask you one last question. Is is possible to put the same black and white (clock) screen thats on the Tytn II on the mogul?????????????

Sep 21, 2007, 4:20 PM
Yeah i downloaded the Tytn II interface in my Mogul thru PPcgeeks.com but i removed it, he he i just wasnt used to it at all 😛
i also had the Iphone interface but i just prefer what came with the phone 😉

Sep 21, 2007, 4:24 PM
I have the color version on mine and I love it. You can access almost everything directly from the Today screen, and the weather tab is cool.

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