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Motorola KRZR K1m


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Need help putting music on my KRZR from my PC


Dec 1, 2006, 8:36 PM
Ok, lets start...

I bought a Micro-SD USB adapter for my computer (put Micro-SD card into the adapter, then plug adapter into PC Via USB port)

Well i did this and i opened the External Hardware folder in "My Computer", and in that folder there were a few sub-folders. On said "Motorola", the other said "music". So i opened the music folder, and in that folder was a Windows Media file (it was a windows media file because windows media player is my default) that was called "All My Music". Now when the micro-SD card is in the phone and i go to my music player, "all my music" is where all your music is stored (duhhh). So my problem is i dont know what to do, because when i put an MP3 from my PC into the music folder, it didnt show up in "...

Dec 2, 2006, 10:31 AM
MAKE SURE THAT THE SONGS ARE IN MP3 FORMAT BECAUSE IT WONT RECOGNIZE ANYTHING ELSE. COPY THE SONGS U WANT AND PASTE THEM INTO THE MUSIC FOLDER. Make sure u properly stop the usb adapter before removing it from ur computer. Good luck.

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