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Motorola KRZR K1m


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Krzr or Razr ?


Oct 10, 2006, 4:55 PM
Hello there, looking for some feedback here. I am due for an upgrade and am a bit torn between getting the new Krzr or the Razr. The wife has the Razr already and she does not have any problems with it. I will be using it only as a cell phone, to make and receive calls and texting. I already have an Ipod and a digital camera so while I may download a song or two, that's not the thing that will get me to choose one over the other. I do like the Krzr but the fingerprint issue would probably drive me crazy. Anyone out there currently have the Razr and are really unhappy with it? If so why? Any feedback would be helpful. I guess my question is, does the Razr serve it's main function as a cell phone well?

Oct 10, 2006, 4:58 PM
Also, one more question I forgot, I will primarily be using the phone on vibe, is one stronger than the other?

Oct 11, 2006, 12:30 AM
i used the razr and now am i krzr user. acts more like my favorite phone, the v60

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