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Large Group of Small Operators Bands Together for LTE

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Sep 30, 2008, 1:17 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

A number of small companies that operate regional cellular services or hold spectrum licenses in rural areas have formed a new group called NextGen Wireless LLC. The new organization plans to pool resources, talent and clout to bring UMTS and LTE technologies to its varied subscriber bases. NextGen Wireless hopes that its collective voice will help it score better handset deals for customers, as well as save on development costs of next-generation wireless networks. NextGen has not provided a list of its members, but more than two dozen companies have joined the organization.

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Sep 30, 2008, 1:50 PM

UMTS & LTE to rural areas is awesome news. . .

No, I don't live in a rural area, but I am glad to see modern tech, and LTE coming to rural towns that probably consider themselves lucky just to have wireless voice services.
Being from the a large city in the midwest and going to college in a rural town, I thought the same thing.

"Wow, my Sprint Blackberry will never work out here."

And it doesn't, until it goes to roaming, then it get full bars of EVDO coverage fro...

Sep 30, 2008, 8:46 PM

Cost-benefit analysis

Bringing LTE to rural areas would be nice, but what about high-speed lines in nowhere places. They need those to hook up the towers to it.

Sep 30, 2008, 1:59 PM

I like that.....

more than 2 dozen companies have signed on for this but they dont know the names of these companies?????
There are a lot of companies that a national site would never really know.

Arround here, we have Immax Wireless. They run off of ATT towers and work in maybe 22 counties. Cheapest plans around, also have the worst service and about 30% of your ca...
The Big 5, then US Cellular could be the biggest member. 🙂
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