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HTC Launches CDMA Variant of Touch Diamond

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Jul 3, 2008, 2:00 PM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated Jul 3, 2008, 2:13 PM

Today HTC announced that it is bringing a CDMA version of the Touch Diamond to Canada's Telus. The GSM version of the Touch Diamond was first announced in May. It has HTC's new TouchFlo 3D user interface, along with a 3.2 megapixel camera with autofocus, 4GB of on-board memory, Bluetooth 2.0+EDR, 802.11b/g Wi-Fi, and GPS. While this particular announcement is specific to Telus' Canadian subscribers, it is not unreasonable to assume that HTC will also offer this same, or similar, phone through either Sprint or Verizon, both of which carry the original HTC Touch.


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Jul 19, 2008, 1:53 PM

GPS on Touch Diamond

Telus of Canada will have Telus Navigator available for the Touch Diamond. http://www.telusmobility.com/bc/wweb/navigato r.shtml is the link to the Telus Nav. page. Anyhow, it seems very likely to me that VZ will have VZ Navigator available to run on this phone. The reason I say this, is that based on the Telus website, the Touch Diamond is the first smartphone to run Telus Navigator. I predict that by the time the Touch Diamond hits the stores, all the newer WinMo phones like the Touch and the 6800 will be able to run VZ Navigator on them too. Lots of money at stake here. VZ has clearly said it wants a big share of the GPS navigation business. It'll put a big dent on the business of GPS mobile software makers. By the way, all future releases...

Jul 17, 2008, 4:35 PM


Just got off the phone with Telus and they told me the official release date is set at August 5th. He couldn't tell me much more about the phone and neither could the employees at my local Telus store, but apparently the phone will be thicker and without the diamond/trianlge back and it dropped the front video conference camera. The phone is also rounder around the edges.

Jul 7, 2008, 6:29 PM


Who wants to take bets as to how many months (OR YEARS PROBABLY) until Verizon gets on the Touch Diamond bandwagon?

My bet is ..... X-Mas 2008.

Figure Sprint will get it early fall or the cdma touch pro version, and vzw a few months afterwards which seems to be the trend with htc products, for whatever the reason?
I have just confirmed with Verizon that its due in September.

Basically I called Verizon to enquire what my termination costs would be for my phone and my wifes phone should I cancel on or about july 11th. After telling me my fee, he asked why I a...
Yeah, would not surprise me Sprint get's it... Just sucks such a nice phone is going to a crapy service....

Yeah, Verizon is probably trying to keep you in... The BB thunder is suppose to come out in Sept for Verizon so that's probably what he wa...

Jul 8, 2008, 10:32 AM

does any know if Telus is geting the HTC Touch Pro ?

Is Telus getting HTC Touch Pro I thick it is the best HTC Touch phone with the slide out keyboard I hoping so does anyone know ?

Jul 3, 2008, 2:33 PM

I told you...

cdma. . . its comming to alltel 😈
who ever it goes to it sounds like all its specs besides memory is better then the iphone

Jul 4, 2008, 2:03 PM

Its thicker

I like the front view of it but its much thicker than the other diamond its even a little bit thicker than the original touch.

Compare here: http://www.phonearena.com/htmls/HTC-Touch-Dia mond-phone-size-compare-pc_2876.html
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