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But I can get it free on the internet......


Mar 3, 2005, 4:25 PM
How many of you direct and indirect dealers have gotten this statemenet? I actually got it from my sister today and I got to pull the sister card and she has to buy her phone from me. However, this is not always the case. Most of the time I am able to fumble my way through a bull**** excuse to get the sale but sometimes I don't. Now do ya'll or you guys (for those of you who hate the word ya'll) have any suggestions on what I should say that is a sure fire way to keep a sale from going to the computer?

Mar 3, 2005, 4:44 PM
The best thing I ever tell them is "Sure you can go to order the phone online, then wait like 8 weeks for it to ship and while your there you can pick up a couple of viruses along the way for free also." That seems to change their mind."

Mar 28, 2005, 7:44 PM
My personl favorite is to tell tehm that when the phones errors... wouldent you rather have a kind helpful face to help you or i mean if you wan to be on your phone for a couple of hours then fine its your time! then i get the fun question of well why will they listen to you more then me? My solution ios that i sell thir product asd so they tend to play nicer with agents then users!!!!

Mar 3, 2005, 4:45 PM
if it's a brand-new activation, then I always talk about the value of having an actual person to talk to, who can explain how to set up voicemail and can actually show you how to use the features of the phone, etc etc. The human touch.

Mar 3, 2005, 5:08 PM
Lower your price, if possible, to get as close to the on-line price as possible. Let them know that in addition to the shipping cost and waiting period, you have no one to "blame" or goto if it is deffective or missing anything. Making it extremely difficult to get a refund or replacement, also there is no guarantee that what they saw will be what they get. Then there are the risks involved with on-line transactions as well. Remind them of the waranty offered by the manufacturer when they purchase from you and that it may not exist for on-line customers. This is what I do and have been relatively successful with it.

Mar 3, 2005, 5:37 PM
Let me get this straight. If lowering the price doesn't work, lie lie lie is the route to take? 🙄 Spoken like a true "salesman".

Mar 3, 2005, 5:46 PM
Hahahahaha....I usually say "I think they are refurbished" that way I'm not lying but the thought goes through their head and they usually change their minds.

Mar 4, 2005, 10:34 AM
How is that not a lie? You're telling someone that you think something is refurbished when you know it is not? That is not a lie? hmm... 🙄

Mar 4, 2005, 10:37 AM
No, I say I think they may be refurbished but I'm not sure. It's not a lie because I have actually been told that a lot of them are refurbished but I do not know for sure.

Mar 4, 2005, 12:02 PM
Cigee said:
No, I say I think they may be refurbished but I'm not sure. It's not a lie because I have actually been told that a lot of them are refurbished but I do not know for sure.


Mar 3, 2005, 5:40 PM
I try that but then I get the poeple that ask "So if I don't buy my phone from here you wont answer any of my questions?" and "isnt that what customer service is for?"

Mar 3, 2005, 5:45 PM
Tell them about the charge back fee. if their account isnt in good standing (no balance fowards) for three months, they can't cash the rebates AND they are charged a $250 charge back fee. that'll detur them.

Mar 4, 2005, 2:45 PM
Cigee said:
I try that but then I get the poeple that ask "So if I don't buy my phone from here you wont answer any of my questions?" and "isnt that what customer service is for?"

Give them the number for customer serivce.

I'm kind of a jerk about it. The second they drop the "online" price I let them buy online. There's only a slim chance you'll change your mind, and if you don't you've wasted even more time by trying to change their mind.

I had a lady two days ago who added a line to her account online and they shipped her two phones instead of one. So sure, go online and get your phones if they must, but I won't stand around and listen to them whine when they come back.

Mar 5, 2005, 3:04 PM
If Joe Blow buys his phone on the internet and comes in with questions while customers are in the store to buy new acts. I tell them exactly that. I'm here to sell service. I'm paid on commission. I'll give them the number to Customer service.

You get what you pay for.

Mar 26, 2005, 6:36 PM
I just tell them theyre taking a chance at getting a returned/refurbished phone that could be defective, with me your getting totally new product. And if it is defective, do you really wanna wait on them to send you a new one when you can call me to get another?

Apr 13, 2005, 7:55 PM
So, basically you LIE to the customer to get a sale... No wonder customer are so angry all the time. I can't stand representatives like you. What else do you lie about?

Mar 3, 2005, 6:23 PM
I'd ask if they ever purchased anything from Pets.com.

There a lesson to be learned from the net boom

Mar 4, 2005, 12:03 PM
What lesson is that?

Mar 4, 2005, 1:59 PM
Rathrok said:
What lesson is that?

That you can't order something from the internet and then go to a store to solve your problem.

Rathrok, are you one of those people that likes to argue just to hear yourself speak? Because all of your arguments are extremely trivial.

Mar 4, 2005, 3:10 PM
Is it not good customer service to help a customer out even if they did order the handset online if you are a corporate store? Are you all not under the same banner? Aside from exchanging the phone, which I realize should be done through the mail if you purchased online, I can't see where answering questions would hurt.

And yes, I do enjoy hearing myself speak at times. Though my responses may seem "trivial" to the meager minded, they are just.

Mar 4, 2005, 3:20 PM
Rathrok said:
Is it not good customer service to help a customer out even if they did order the handset online if you are a corporate store? Are you all not under the same banner? Aside from exchanging the phone, which I realize should be done through the mail if you purchased online, I can't see where answering questions would hurt.

And yes, I do enjoy hearing myself speak at times. Though my responses may seem "trivial" to the meager minded, they are just.

But you are missing the entire point. I am a sales person, my job is to SELL phones. If I have a customer in here who wants to buy online because it is cheaper they are entilted to know what the advantage of store purchase is. I need ways to d...

Mar 4, 2005, 3:29 PM
Actually I am quite familiar with sales, having done it for oh...10 years of my life? Which is why I found it odd that you feel the need to lie to your customers to get a sale. And from what I gather from your responses, your lack of customer service is probably associated with your inability to get sales as well.

Although I am more on the technical side of things now, when called upon I do go out and sell with the best of them. Anymore questions "honey"?

Mar 4, 2005, 5:58 PM
Actually I have fabulous customer service skills, I have lost a couple people to the internet sure....but most stay for the service. I actually have a pretty big customer and referral base. You don't pay attention, you obviously feel an undying need to argue a point that has already been made. I do not and have never lied to a customer. I said that I "think" they are refurbished and to this day I have had no reason to think otherwise. Customers do not want refurbished phones. They want new phones and I would like to help them get that as well as help myself get a sale to make money. It's really very simple. Now please tell me how I lie to customers....I am truly interested.

Mar 4, 2005, 6:07 PM
Let me assure you that the phones they buy/may buy online are not refurbs. So you may now use a different "scare" tactic to sell your phones. 🤣

Mar 5, 2005, 12:51 PM
Just use this to detur customers from ordering online.

https://www.phonescoop.com/forums/forum.php?fm=m&ff= ... »

Apr 6, 2005, 10:14 PM
Assure us? Please explain how your personal assurances can suffice on this matter?

What does Cingular do with all the BRE (Buyer's Remorse) handsets? If they are not defective they cannot be returned to the manufacturer. Logic dictates they need to be sold elsewhere. The law in most states allows for items to be sold as new if they meet certain criteria, not all of which says they must be fresh from the assembly line. Automobiles aren't considered "used" until they are registered, which is why most dealerships do not process your registration until any legal return laws are satisfied.

You could easily say that online stores sometimes use lower prices to move inventory that may be overstock or returns. Nothing wrong with that stat...

Apr 8, 2005, 12:25 PM
That may be the case, but they are NOT refurbished. Since you wanted to use a car analogy...if someone test drives a new car for 2 miles, is it then considered a used car? No, it is still considered new.

If you're going to say it is overstocked or "returned" like new within the 30-day time. Then say it that way. Don't say refurbished, that gives the customer the idea that something is wrong with it. Refurbished units generally did have something wrong with them at some point and had new parts put in...which is NOT the case with the phones you buy online. Unless it is clearly marked refurbished, like ATT was doing at one point towards the end of there wireless life.

Apr 8, 2005, 1:30 PM
Refurbished could mean the phone had a defective battery and they put in a new one. Refurbished is not as specific as you say.

There is "A" stock refurbished, "B" stock refurbished, "C" stock, etc. "A" stock is generally referred to as handsets that are virtually new but had a minor blemish, a bad battery, charger, etc.. "B" stock is where you generally start to find repaired handsets. "C" stock is starting to get into pretty crappy items.

Most states do not require merchants to state an item is "A" stock to the consumer, but they do require it be stated to a vendor such as an agent. Cingular, or other direct online retailers, can take a hard hit to a vendor, or a soft hit by selling it themselves.

Unless you have some actually...

Apr 8, 2005, 3:18 PM
Yeah, I guess my argument isn't based on logic. I'm sure the majority of phones sold through direct web sources are refurbished units.... 🙄

The point of my original reply was that she was using "scare tactics" to sell her phones, by telling the customers when they buy online they're buying refurbs. I do not agree with that.

I could give a rats ass either way, to tell you the truth, whether they are or not. But based on common sense and experience on that side of the industry, I can tell you that it is highly unlikely they're buying "refurbished" units.

Apr 8, 2005, 3:28 PM
You know you are really frustrating. I do not use "scare tactics" I never have. I said that I have told a customer that I think they are refurbished but that I wasn't sure if it were true. Funny thing is I have told you this about 3 times now but you are so stuck on your righteousness. Now have you gotten this through your thick skull yet or are you going to start this again?

Apr 8, 2005, 3:38 PM
Actually, I wasn't replying to you. I'm done with your portion of the thread. You can go sell your "refurbished" phones now.

Apr 8, 2005, 3:42 PM
And yes, I know I am frustrating. It's my sparkling personality I think. I don't know about the righteous part though. and...I don't think my skull is any thicker than the normal human. Thanks.

Apr 8, 2005, 9:48 PM
Rathrok said:
But based on common sense and experience on that side of the industry, I can tell you that it is highly unlikely they're buying "refurbished" units.

I take this to mean you don't think the carriers are buying refurbs? I don't believe they are buying them either. They already have them, that is the point. Have you ever noticed a "web only" special on an item (handset, cd player, etc.) that was low volume in the first place? They are usually specials on handsets that have been out for a while and had a nice chunk of the sales mix. Even if returns are in line with other handsets % wise, they still get more returns overall.

Common sense? What do you do with all those phones?

If you be...

Apr 9, 2005, 8:43 AM
I meant that the vast majority of cusotmers are not getting a refurbished unit when they purchase online.

What happens with a a good % of the returns? They turn into warranty replacements most of the time. If they're in perfect condition with barely any talk time(under 30 minutes), they'll get sold again. I don't think the latter could be considered refurbished though, maybe some do.

Those web specials can also be excess phones that the carrier never paid for, ie. manufacturer screwed up somehow and compensated the carrier with extra units at no cost to them.

Apr 9, 2005, 5:35 PM
I would bet that most customers think that a phone that has been used, however little, is USED. It may not be used legally, but it is still used. And yes, it is refurbished "A" stock.

I am still curious where you are getting your information.

Apr 11, 2005, 2:27 PM
texaswireless said:
I would bet that most customers think that a phone that has been used, however little, is USED. It may not be used legally, but it is still used. And yes, it is refurbished "A" stock.

I am still curious where you are getting your information.

Me too, So quick to attack me on a thought and you have yet to explain where you get your information. I was up for for critisism on my question. I wasn't sure and now I'm pretty much going to go with my initial thought because at least Texas Wireless can back his points up.

Apr 11, 2005, 4:09 PM
I don't see how his points are anymore "backed up" than my own. I work on the tech side of things, dealing with handsets everyday, knowing what happens to them and where they go.

As far as where I work, I would never disclose that on this board...because then people claim you have some sort of bias towards one company or another.

I can see why Texas would back you up though, as it sounds like he is an authorized dealer(from what I gathered from one of your other threads in this forum). Meaning he would want people to buy phones from him rather than online, sorta like you are trying to do.

Apr 11, 2005, 6:16 PM
Of course we are. You come in our store because you are interested in a cell phone. We, um, sell them so yes we want them to buy from us rather then take all the information and purchase from the internet. That does not, however, mean that we attempt to scam the customer or in your words "use scare tactics" and to stop you from repeating yet again, I said I thought they may be refusrbished and it seems now that that statement can be backed up.

Apr 12, 2005, 8:44 AM
Selective reasoning is a great approach I guess...

Apr 12, 2005, 12:50 PM
Rathrok said:
What happens with a a good % of the returns? They turn into warranty replacements most of the time. If they're in perfect condition with barely any talk time(under 30 minutes), they'll get sold again. I don't think the latter could be considered refurbished though, maybe some do.

Logic backs up my points. Deductive reasoning backs up my points. And based on one of your own posts, you backed up my points.

In the mind of the customer, a used phone is a used phone, period. In the context of the law, a used phone is not always a used phone. Neither Cigee nor I stated they are going to get a crap handset that has been beat up, but if they go for one of the "online only" specials they j...

Apr 12, 2005, 2:11 PM
Not because "I know", because "I do" everyday. Perhaps your "coolaid" has a little something extra in it, and you didn't read my responses. I don't know.

Apr 12, 2005, 8:56 PM
Ok, I take that to mean you process returned handsets. And, as I quoted, you said the ones that are returned as a BRE (Buyers Remorse) in new condition are put back into the inventory.

I appreciate your help in backing Cigee and I's conclusions.

It was a pleasure.

Apr 14, 2005, 9:52 AM
I'm done wasting my time arguing with the "god of customer service". You can call handsets with under 30 minutes of use and instruction manuals/chargers that were not even opened up "refurbished" if it makes you sell more phones I guess. Most AR's are shady anyways, this thread didn't surprise me one bit.

Apr 14, 2005, 10:34 AM
Thanks, no one has ever called me a god before.

I was trying to have an intelligent discussion with you and understand where you were coming from but your little jab showed me your true colors. This Us vs. Them attitude is truly getting old.

If you do not like the law don't get upset with me. I was simply pointing out that Cigee was not wrong in saying they may be refurbished. When I buy electronics I prefer to buy something I know is brand new AND never used. If I am getting a discount because it may be a "A stock" refurb at least tell me so I can make the choice if I still want that handset. I buy plenty of "open box" items if the discount is appropriate to the condition.

The websites don't always give the customer a choice b...

Mar 5, 2005, 12:47 PM
I don't blame you one bit. I just think it sucks that the company undercuts its own salespeople.

Mar 13, 2005, 4:16 PM
Amen 😡

Mar 4, 2005, 8:38 PM
ok heres my thing... i get the internet statement daily.. i have a few freedoms as a authorized dealer, atleast through my company.. i offer free accessories on a new activation.. online wont do it "two free accessories.. thats a 40 dollar value"

my 3 cents

Mar 5, 2005, 11:56 AM
Thats a great idea, thanks!

Mar 9, 2005, 7:27 PM
I say well, see online they only have a couple people running the place for long hours and they are somewhat likely to f-up your whole account either by you putting yourself on the wrong plan or picking a phone you thought was the one you want and then having to wait for it to come and then you have to call them up on the phone to fix the bill or the phone its just a hassel, and plus in a store like ours they have to pay us because were on commission and we can better assist you here. But if you go online you can't come back here because were not a corporate place and we'll send you over to corporate then you'll have to wait in line for a couple hours. But if you stay we can throw in something for you for free.

Yah its somewhat long but y...

Mar 5, 2005, 12:49 PM
Sometimes I really envy you authorized dealers. 😉

Mar 13, 2005, 4:22 PM
wally77 said:
Sometimes I really envy you authorized dealers. 😉

This is the real issue.. We (blue corp stores) werw able to "adjust" our prices to match our own web offers.. Not true with orange.. I also can't change accessory pricing or play "let's make a deal" in any way according to Cingular policy. In otherwords.. we have no good way of closing these.. other than the shadey statements above.

Mar 5, 2005, 1:26 PM
threaten the potential customer with a knife if they start talking about online details.

Mar 5, 2005, 1:47 PM
Grantizzle said:
threaten the potential customer with a knife if they start talking about online details.


If you had webcams up in your store, I'd pay money to see the crap you do.

Mar 5, 2005, 1:50 PM
we have nine cameras and a mic, but the owner is the only one with access to the cameras. it is kinda creepy.

Apr 20, 2005, 5:10 PM
Seriously though... These situations can be avoided by not buying from the Internet Sales or Telesales Department. No offense to anyone who works in these departments for any carrier, but the biggest issues like these described here all root back to having ordered the phones from the Internet or Telesales. Internet and Telesales are usually staffed by 3rd party companies or subcontractors. When you walk into a store, 99.9% of the time you are going to walk out of the store with the phone already activated and working. Regardless of it being activation or upgrade. Unless there are major network or system problems that day (Hey, it does happen), your phone service should be active in less than 5 minutes, and in most cases 30 seconds to a minut...

Apr 21, 2005, 11:06 AM
The short answer, yes. That is an extra $50-100 I can be spending on food. 😁

Apr 21, 2005, 11:15 AM
You know one day you are going to get burned by a purchase on the internet and you are going to be the tool that goes to the main store to get YOUR problem fixed. And then you can tell youself that Carrie would say "I told you so" and conscience would be weighed down by just knowing that I was right. 😛

Apr 21, 2005, 11:24 AM
No, because unlike most folks. If I order something online and they screw it up, and try to tell me it can be fixed by a retail store or through some other channel other than them, I'll tell them they are the ones that screwed it up and they are the ones that will fix it.

If the company messes it up I don't think I consider myself burned until they either try to send me something of lesser value/quality or just take forever to do it. Which hasn't happened yet, not saying things haven't been messed up yet, but I don't feel I've been burned yet.

But like all things in life, I'm sure I'll be burned someday. And that day I will say "Carrie told me so." 🙂

Apr 21, 2005, 11:27 AM
Uh oh Rath, are you in a good mood today? Are we actually getting along on our nemesis thread? 😉

Apr 21, 2005, 11:58 AM
I am in an overall state of well-being. 😁

Apr 21, 2005, 12:01 PM
You are aware that 420 is over, right? You got some after effects going on? 😉

Apr 21, 2005, 12:06 PM
A combination of Ephedrine HCL and Caffeine 😉

Apr 21, 2005, 12:24 PM
Nice...I definently am having some after effects plus caffeine. 😎

Apr 21, 2005, 1:02 PM
Does anyone in a brick and morter store match online prices?

Apr 21, 2005, 1:04 PM
Brick and Morter?

Apr 21, 2005, 4:10 PM
Normal none internet retail stores. 😉

Apr 21, 2005, 11:26 AM
I may be a tool, but I'm not the sort of tool that would do that particular thing! 😈

Apr 21, 2005, 12:46 PM
Ok well congatulations...you are not the tool of the day. There is a bigger one that posted on the holiday thread in the lounge. I am hereby revoking my tool statemenet to you. 😛

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