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Bluetooth question: Help with Jabra 250 headset


Aug 29, 2004, 2:58 PM
If anyone can help me with this question I'd really appreciate it. While using my headset with my V600, when my phone rings it only makes the beeping sound in my ear instead of my current ringtone. I know that my headset is capable of playing those tones, because I've sucessfully linked it to my labtop and even used it to listen to Mp3's. So is there anything I can do to tweak my V600 to play my actual ringtone instead of just beeping???

Aug 31, 2004, 12:13 PM
You can try this. With the headset plugged in, check your current ringtone setting. See if you can change it, while the headset is plugged in. However, some manufacturers, once the headset is plugged in, still only plays a beep in the headset, while others will continue to play the ringer through the handset speakers.

Aug 31, 2004, 1:01 PM
Thanks I'll try that

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