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Aug 12, 2005, 7:30 PM
wuts the story on that is it ever goin to be used is it gonna be released in the u.s...wuts the scoop
Rich Brome

Aug 12, 2005, 7:46 PM
It doesn't look like it.

EV-DO Release A offers the same data rates as EV-DV Release D, and when add in Qualcomm's new proposal for VoIP over EV-DO Release A, you have voice and data, and there's really no benefit to EV-DV. In fact, because EV-DO Release A + VoIP permits a 100% IMS-based network, it's actually better and more flexible than EV-DV.

Plus it's cheaper to upgrade to EV-DO Release A than EV-DV, which pretty much seals to deal for carriers - no way they're going to spend more money for an inferior solution.

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