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New to Sprint, How does it compare T-mobile


Aug 28, 2007, 10:56 PM
I just got sprint. And am not sure if I made the correct decision....

I want t-mobile because of the Sim-Card portability.

I do use the internet for myspace/phonescoop/google....And am really not worried about the edge speeds....

I've checked the coverage map, and that really doesn't help to much.....

🤨 🤨 🤨 🤨 🤨 🤨 🤨 🤨 🤨

My phone choice would be either the pearl 8100 or the Dash. Not sure yet....


Aug 28, 2007, 11:12 PM
I never understood the sim card thing. I mean if you have mor then one phone I guess. Why you would I dunno. Also it is just another thing that can go wrong with the phone. I have had many friends have to go in to get a new one because it went bad.

As far as coverage sprint will win hands down. But if you live in a big city then tmobile might be better all depends on were you live!

And data no one will beet sprint now or in the future!

Aug 30, 2007, 11:19 AM
Well I had TMo and Sprint and I love the SIM card. You can save all your contacts to it and when you purchase a new phone all you have to do is place the SIM in the new phone and your contacts are there. My SIM never went bad. My brother has been with TMo a few years and hes never complained about SIM going bad. If you are one of those people that love to watch sport clips YouTube and all that then Sprint would be the way to go. Sprint has feature rich phones. TMo on the other hand doesn't but they do have cheaper plans and MyFavs. It just really depends on which carrier has the best coverage in your area and what features are important to you.

Aug 29, 2007, 7:55 AM
Don't really know about service but Customer Service is superior to Sprint.

Aug 31, 2007, 4:58 PM
What people say on these forums about sprint customer service in my opinion is true. They flat out hang up on me whenever I call customer care. The only way they stay on is if it's activations or the manager hotline. Now I understand it's not a company wide thing and depends on who you're talking to at the time - but still - they've done this several times now. 🤨

Aug 29, 2007, 6:09 PM
Ok well one major thing that differs between TMobile and Sprint is the fact that TMobile has been rated number 1 in customer service for the last five years by J.D. Powers. Where as Sprint was rated dead last when it comes to customer service. Infact if you call Sprints customer care line too often in a 30 day period even if its for good reason they will just cancell your account and you are left semi S.O.L. until you get a new phone. Thats great customer service!!! Also make sure you check out the internet packages for Sprint. You want to ask questions like how much does it cost and is it unlimited or is it for a certain amount of use. I have carried both the Blackberry Pearl(8100) and the Wing(which is a lot like the Dash) with T-Mobile. T...

Aug 29, 2007, 7:59 PM
usagirlholli said:

Just what your post reads like...

Sprint Doesnt kick people off for calling too much in a 30day peroid.. those 1200 accounts out of 30+ million where cancelled due to excessive calling month in and month out for 6+ months the average sprint customer called in about 10-15 times these people were calling in 50+times a week...

sprint unlimited data starts at $15 bucks a month and is fast unlike the snail like speeds expierenced by tmobile users the difference is noticable... my coworker has the wing I have the mogul and he would rather surf the web from my phone...
sprint.com/sero for the best pricing and plans available... pm me for the access email.

Aug 29, 2007, 10:45 PM
A good friend of mine works for sprint and I had sprint for 6 months before I went TMobile. Regardless of how many times a customer calls customer care they should never cancell their account. Obviously there are good reasons for calling that many times. Like when sprint continues to screw up your bill every single month. And as far as their data/internet goes as soon as TMobile launches their 3G network sprint will be left in the dust with nothing but horrible customer service. Its pretty bad when sprints own reps say they are embarrassed by the fact that they are widley known for having the worst customer service. Oh and one more thing sprint does not have the best rate plans available. TMobile has the guarantee to have more minutes for a ...

Aug 30, 2007, 6:35 AM
Two main important factors that T-mobile is better than Sprint; 1. Customer care. 2. Price points. The problem will become when T-mobile will launch its 3G data network, but I do not think that Sprint will be affected because they seem to do better than the rest when it comes to data so I do not think they will be affected. The companies who will be affected are the companies who are not good in data in the first place. T-mobile can create a niche market by providing low cost data plans just like they do with their low cost voice plans.

I do not think it is fair to say, “TMobile launches their 3G network sprint will be left in the dust with nothing but horrible customer service.” Sprint will always be the leader in data regardless of it...

Aug 30, 2007, 11:25 AM
I disagree. I know ppl that have worked in Sprint customer service and they said that a lot of customers will call in acting the fool so they can get credits so they won't have to pay their bill. Thats not cool at all. Im glad Sprint cancelled those 1000+ accounts. If they couldn't afford to pay their bill every month then they should not have signed up for the service. Nothing is free.

Aug 30, 2007, 11:53 AM
My best friend works for sprint and he is at least honest about the situation. Every cell phone carrier gets customers calling in "acting a fool" and you dont see them cancelling those accounts. You have to show every customer that they are valued. The issue is a company like sprint thinks they are doing well enough to not care about the individual customer anymore. That is not a good statement to promote. I could honestly careless what sprint does to there customers because I am not one of them anymore. I just that they make horrible customer service choices.

Aug 30, 2007, 12:09 PM
Well Sprint is not the only company that has had to cancel accounts of customers who love to harass customer service reps. I do agree that Sprint does need to do something about their horrible customer service but Sprint is a business. Calling customer service 15-20 times a month is excessive. Reps were giving these customers credits just to get them off the phone. Obviously the people that had their accounts closed were the ones who always threw a fit and would curse the rep out just to get a credit and get out of paying their bill. That is ridiculous. Sprint did what they felt was best so they wouldn't keep losing money. My friend told that each rep should only being giving about $200/mo in credits and she said a lot of the reps we...

Aug 30, 2007, 11:21 PM
now i have had tmobile and i am with sprint now. now here's what i have to say about the two. if your looking for a cheap service go with tmobile. because sprint is not cheap i have to pay about a 100 a month. With my plan on sprint i pay 39.99 a month for free incoming calls which now has gone up to 49 a month so if i keep this plan i would have to pay 50 a month which i am not going to. i pay 5 for mobile to mobile 15 for text and 15 for the internet and video and pic. this doesn't include im you have to pay $3 a month per im service. which i don't have im on my phone . and for my night to start early it 5 for 7pm and 10 for 6 pm i have the 7 pm one. so i always end up pay about a 100 a month after taxes and addtional charges depending o...

Sep 4, 2007, 10:11 AM
I agree. When I had Sprint my bill was usually around $130/mo...sometimes more if I purchased ringers, games etc.

Sep 6, 2007, 8:08 AM
thank you a voice of reason... for the type of customers that get dumped from all major providers who call in about stupid stuff just view any random thread in shop talk forum

Aug 29, 2007, 6:17 PM
Switch to Tmobile it blows sprint away.

Aug 29, 2007, 6:39 PM
I would rather have T mobile than any other carrier, But Unfortunately I'm stuck 19 more months with AT&T.....I miss T MOBILE!!

Aug 29, 2007, 7:35 PM
You are not stuck with AT&T because if you really want to you can leave and pay the ETF.

Aug 29, 2007, 7:39 PM
1. Price points are better with T-mobile then Sprint
2. Sprint is better when it comes to 3G data.
3. Sprint also is better than T-mobile when it comes to coverage
4. T-mobile is better than Sprint when it has to deal with customer service.

I think those are the four main differences between the two companies.

Aug 29, 2007, 7:44 PM
For once, I actually agree with you. That was accurate and unbiased.

Aug 29, 2007, 7:47 PM
I try to always be unbiased with my remarks. I would have to say that T-mobile will be a stronger player going forward but obviously, they have many things to do before that happens.

Aug 29, 2007, 8:06 PM
at least with point #1
With the 7pm night start time sprint is actually giving the customer 2400 mins more a month than T-mobile is.. so the price point comes out even if not in sprints favor.
and with the 6pm start time 3600 extra mins.

Aug 29, 2007, 8:12 PM
T-Mobile offers you INFINATE minutes! Myfaves baby!

And every provider that offers you in network calling also offers INFINATE minutes!!

So everyone is the same!

Not really, in a REALISTIC measure of value for minutes vs price, T-Mobile will always come out on top of any provider, well actually Alltel has been busting out some nice plans recently.

Aug 29, 2007, 10:49 PM
V-Town I agree with you. The only issue is Alltel isnt every where. So in areas where Alltel is not available TMobile will always win!!

Aug 30, 2007, 6:38 AM
I think Alltel has failed so far with delivering their strategy and they continue to say they have the largest network either by square miles or any other metric, the problem is, they are failing to communicate to the customers out there to switch to Alltel on a very good basis. T-mobile, on the other hand, has been doing a great job with enticing customers to switch to them because customers who use T-mobile do not want many things such as high-end phones with high-end plans. T-Mobile will always win against Alltel because T-mobile has a better network, more assets, and better business model than Alltel. T-mobile still has a lot to do before they become a dominant provider, but they will always be better than Alltel.

Aug 30, 2007, 7:06 AM
I disagree. I have had tmbile in beaufort sc and alltel. ANd I will take alltel hands down. they are also in more rural areas which is very very nice. Not to mention they are CDMA so they have more choices to roam to then tmobile which only really has suncom and att. Alltel wins in areas alltel is in. They beat verizon and sprint in coverage in their native areas too. And when they don't have coverage well verizon or sprint or USCC will.

Aug 30, 2007, 7:11 AM
Well. T-mobile is doing a lot better than Alltel at maximizing their assets both technology/network and spectrum. I do not care if Alltel claims they have the best network on any factor, the fact is, they are small and they cannot not get a return on their investment. Therefore, their best network claim is false, because even if they do have that on paper, they cannot seem to deliver it to the consumer, which is a waste of that extra expense. I would take T-mobile over Alltel anyway and especially going forward with T-mobile’s 3G against Alltel’s 3G I would also take T-mobile. T-mobile will be a very strong company going forward if they can continue to roll out with the 3G products shortly and expand their network while Alltel will have issu...

Aug 30, 2007, 7:17 AM
return is great to a company but not to a user. I don't care honestly if sprint beats alltel with return. What I want is coverage. And alltel provides the most rural coverage then anyone. They are in 33 states and they are the largest network. So that means they cover those 33 states pretty good. One reason why sprint choose them as their preferred roaming partner. But Srpint or verizon will buy them soon form the investors that recently bought them.

Aug 30, 2007, 8:23 AM
Return on capital is important to both company and consumer because if the company can use those assets to their benefits and get a very nice return on the capital then they could offer the consumer lower prices which will help the consumer. Roaming is very important to this industry and that is why you see companies like Alltel out there providing roaming to the bigger carriers, but sooner than later the penetration rates for those areas will reach sky high and then it is difficult to do other services on those networks because it is very expensive to deploy unless they reach other deals with the companies. It is still not clear if Sprint or Verizon will buy out Alltel mainly because it is very expensive to acquire Alltel on a valuation bas...

Aug 30, 2007, 8:52 AM
thats is your opinion and may be right. But Alltel is not having issues. Their stock is or was higher then sprint and their debt is lower. They offer some of the lowest plans and with my circle you can pretty much get their lowest calling plan. Me and the wife have 1000 anytime. Last month we used 344 anytime and 3699 mobile to mobile which includes my circle. Why would sprint want them or verizon. Hmm the rural coverage that would cost them billions to expand out to. The 13+ million subscribers? THe massive amount of 800 spectrum they hold since you can't get anymore. Oh and sprint could really use their advertising department. And their CS dept!

Aug 30, 2007, 9:50 AM
Stock performance sometimes doesn’t go to the company’s success or failures. Alltel’s debt is lower because they didn’t buy out a company like Nextel. Some of the plans and strategies I think they are now starting to offer is pretty good, but I think they need to do a lot better. I think, however, they are in great hands with Goldman Sachs (which is one of my favorite companies) to flood capital into the business and to expand into new markets, but more importantly to acquire new spectrum.

The reason why I think Alltel is having difficulty has to deal with they claim they have the largest and best network but the problem is, they only have 13 million customers while the bigger companies like Sprint, Verizon and Cingular have 60 or so mil...

Aug 30, 2007, 9:54 AM
not true. ALltel has the largest network because they cover areas that have less people. Areas that sprint would not think of going because of they would not get a good enough return. Alltel choose to expand into rural places and people with sprint and verzion that travel through or to these areas will know what I am saying when it is great to have service way out in th boonies!

Aug 30, 2007, 10:00 AM
That is why Alltel, in my view, isn’t doing that well because they cater to the areas with less of a return on and I think that is a bad business model. In certain rural areas, it may be good because those areas have money and will give a good return but the other areas they shouldn’t even be in especially with a horrible return. I just don’t think if they are spending billions of dollars with their expanding their network in the first place and then maintaining it to go after the low-end consumers with less of a return.

Aug 30, 2007, 10:04 AM
I think they are doing ok. They are not hurting. They have made many purchases of other companies and still not that much debt. Yes they could do better and will with allot of money that will be at their disposal!

Aug 30, 2007, 10:12 AM
I agree. I am an Alltel shareholder, but I think they need to do well in order to become a strong provider in the future and I think they need to either change their business model all together or adjust it so that they can seek some ROIC and ROE. Goldman will do a great job with this company because Goldman knows how to run companies and create profits from them. Debt in this industry isn’t that bad because most of the debt has to deal with buying spectrum, purchases, and growing their network, but if those companies who spent a lot of money on those three things I mentioned but they seek small returns, it isn’t worth it to their shareholders and stakeholders. In business, you want to try to maximize profits in any way shape. Goldman needs ...

Aug 30, 2007, 8:58 AM
I do agree with you, nextel18, on Sprint and Verizon Wireless not buying Alltel. At least, at the moment. U.S.Cellular looks like they be on the chopping block. Question is, if they do sell, who will buy them out? Network, customer base ,etc.?

Aug 30, 2007, 9:41 AM
Well obviously because of Alltel being bought out and other companies being bought out by Verizon and AT&T recently that will mean other companies will be looked at and if those companies who are on the chopping block have both prospects/assets and good valuations, they will be bought. The problem is who will be buying them and for how much. I think that Verizon and AT&T’s recent purchases were a mistake to the company although they will seek some synergies from those purchase I think they could have used the money better. Obviously, they have a very good roaming deal in place with those companies so I did not feel that buying them would be better.

With US Cellular, I have not looked at them that much so I could not comment on my view i...

Aug 29, 2007, 8:16 PM
Well, that may be true but if you look at Voice ARPU Sprint’s is more than T-mobile so many more people select the cheaper planes on an average basis with T-mobile than Sprint.

Aug 31, 2007, 7:25 AM
T-Mobile (and any GSM/UMTS carrier) lets you use foreign phones as long as frequency support, this is ABSOLUTE winner, no argument at all
you don't like T-Mobile phone lineup? there're thousands of GSM choice!
with Sprint, you're stuck with their branded stuff

Sep 2, 2007, 8:06 PM
I don’t think that is missing a point that will differentiate themselves from Sprint but it allows for more choice, even though, customers really want the simplest of phones and cheap rate plans.

Aug 29, 2007, 7:42 PM
They both stink equally as bad. Equally bad coverage. Sprint has better phones. Tmobile has better customer service.

Aug 29, 2007, 8:08 PM
lemme guess your on "the network" huh... or are you with the company advertising "the fewest dropped calls made by a guy standing under our tower"... its all about location location location with cellphones.. no companies "native" network is that much superior to anyone else anymore.. its all about roaming agreements and service where you use your phone most... I know people who will tell you that every company sucks but the one they are using and it all boils down to what works best for you and where u need the phone.

Aug 29, 2007, 10:17 PM
Not one company is best for all. T-mobile will, however, give you an accurate representation of their coverage with the personal coverage check including how many bars of service one should expect at any given address.

Aug 30, 2007, 9:07 AM
A big "amen" here, too! When are folks going to wise up and realize just that? Wireless service is not like buying an automobile. No matter what city you live in, you can drive either a Honda or a Dodge, so "who's best" is a valid issue.

But wireless service IS all about location, location, location. I'm so sick and tired as well hearing "we're the best, and everybody else sucks". So what if my wireless provider "sucks", at least it works where I need it to, isn't that the bottom line anyway?

Aug 30, 2007, 9:10 AM
damn someone that feels like I do!

Aug 30, 2007, 9:23 AM
Yes. What really amazes me the most is I've read posts where a fanboy will actually tell someone that if they live somewhere that isn't covered by that network, they should move! How stupid is that? 🙄

Aug 30, 2007, 9:28 AM
ohh god yeah I love that. Move to verizon I jsut got them and they don't have coverage but I get extended network and its the best. And they don't realize that hmm they are using alltel or sprint most likely!

Aug 30, 2007, 9:57 AM
No, I meant MOVE to someplace that IS covered so that you can be under the "best" network!

Yeah, I'm gonna get a new house and job just so I can get away from Sprint!

Aug 30, 2007, 10:00 AM
ohh lol yeah ok I misunderstood

Aug 30, 2007, 10:14 AM
Well we're movin' on up, to a dee-luxe hot spot in the skyy-high!

Aug 31, 2007, 7:31 AM
see it yourself, this is the most straightforward answer
I used T-Mobile for 4 years, and I am OK with them
I never used Sprint, but recently I read a lot of bad stuff
but allowing me to use phone purchased overseaas is a big plus (you only can use SE K790a with T-Mobile, not Sprint)
I don't really care the speed, except when I use slingbox
T-Mobile CS is pretty helpful when you come in trouble, at least they're responsive

Sep 1, 2007, 3:00 PM
now i have had tmobile and i am with sprint now. now here's what i have to say about the two. if your looking for a cheap service go with tmobile. because sprint is not cheap i have to pay about a 100 a month. With my plan on sprint i pay 39.99 a month for free incoming calls which now has gone up to 49 a month so if i keep this plan i would have to pay 50 a month which i am not going to. i pay 5 for mobile to mobile 15 for text and 15 for the internet and video and pic. this doesn't include im you have to pay $3 a month per im service. which i don't have im on my phone . and for my night to start early it 5 for 7pm and 10 for 6 pm i have the 7 pm one. so i always end up pay about a 100 a month after taxes and addtional charges depending on ...

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