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Quitting Cingular!!!!!!!!!


Dec 11, 2004, 6:29 PM
I've had enough.
I have been here for exactly one year, and realized why exactly I left retail to begin with.
I am sick of being yelled and cursed at by our insane customers who want everything for nothing. When i was just a customer, i NEVER went to a store unless to get a new phone, we have wackos that are constantly here.

"I want to pay a bill", "ok, there is a machine that takes bill payments, just touch the screen and follow the prompts", "but i don't know how", "touch the screen and follow the prompts are idiots, this concept seems so difficult. EVER USE AN ATM?!?!?!

I walk into a WAWA today with my cingular sweater on, on the phone mind you, having a conversation, and the girl behind the counter interrupts me and said, "i did...

Dec 11, 2004, 7:36 PM
Wow I envy that you wont have to turn around when youre done with one customer, just to see another one that you dont want to deal with a 3rd time this week. And then again, and again, same people, different week, etc. etc. The saying "80% of your business comes from 20% of your customers" is actually a curse in this industry on most normal days.

Good luck in what ever you do...

Dec 11, 2004, 8:31 PM
YES!!!! you rock, and I fully support you. You should've worked at an agent store though. No payment machines, no ties with billing, and better comission on everything. True, there's no salary, but averaging $15 an hour is common. PTO and benefits... hells yeah.

Dec 11, 2004, 8:53 PM
no matter where you go or what you do there will be stupid people

Dec 11, 2004, 9:14 PM
Very few people like their job. You either stick it out or quit..........so quit big deal.....sorry you are so unhappy, but thats life.

Dec 11, 2004, 9:54 PM
hahahahaha well put.

Dec 11, 2004, 9:52 PM
This person is making a very mature decision. Those of you who share his views should do the same and quit this Industry and go to another Industry that you like.

Dec 11, 2004, 10:43 PM
You take these customers to personally. They do not care about you they are pissed off at cingular. You are just an employee it is just a job. Wow

Dec 11, 2004, 11:43 PM
Ok let me tell you simplymarcus that you don't know what you are talking about. All you do is spout your personal opinions and have no concern for the facts. Even if I told you the way it was you still wouldn't get it because you are to naive and are trying to personally insult me any everyone else here and else where in this forum. Oh yeah and buy the way I gonna sew who you repesent and I naming you personally.

Let's see you not take that personal.

Dec 12, 2004, 1:02 AM
It's funny, VOLVO, because you seem to be even worse than Debit. You like to put people down.

I guess you recognize your own.

Dec 12, 2004, 3:39 AM
I'm sorry you didn't get it.

Dec 12, 2004, 12:26 PM
I don't take it personal. I think that is far from naive it is they way you have to be to work in customer service. If you let one customer get to you it can ruin your day. I never let a customer ruin my day.

Dec 12, 2004, 1:08 PM
sew? 😕

Dec 12, 2004, 2:19 AM
Megs, I understand your decision and it's right. But since i personally am not a cingular employee, and i don't know one very well, i have a couple of questions. What exactly is your specific job (what are u incharge of doing)? Also, who are these idiots supposed to go to to ask questions (even if they are the dumbest questions ever!)?

The truth is, people should use common sense and there wouldn't be customers like that....but most people just don't use their common sense. Pathetic, but true.

Dec 12, 2004, 10:42 AM
I work in a Cingular Company store, i sell phones. Most of the work i do is non commission-able though. I didn't say we have stupid questions, if you want me to post something on stupid questions, it would take forever. How about phone isn't working, and they don't even know how to turn it on! I hate it when people don't even tell you what they need, but hand you a phone. I'm like, ok, what do you want me to do with this?

It isn't the stupid questions, it is how they ask them. I am so sick of being the one to give them the RIGHT information, but since i am the second person they spoke too giving them different info, or they aren't happy with what i have to say, they become nasty and belligerent.

How about locking yourself out of yo...

Dec 12, 2004, 11:09 AM
🤣 Hey I never thought of that but it would actually be handy though but I would want a cheese grater with mine you never can get one at an Italian restraunt but everyone is on there phones. 🤣

Dec 12, 2004, 12:27 PM
I personally feel that most customer are reasonable people. I don't mind any questions because I like to help. Thats why we are here at custoemr care. The only people that I don't enjoy dealing with are the ones who want everything for nothing. Why they feel we are suppose to give them everything. Some people act like it is a crime to actually want to make profit. Isn't that why a business is created. Again I enjoy helping people with problems, explaining invoices, correcting billing errors and even giving basic instructions for phone use and that is why I still keep my job. The majority of my calls are legitimate questions. Another big problem with this job is correcting other reps/dealers mistakes. That gets old quick.

Dec 12, 2004, 12:55 PM
i hope, if you are a seasoned cust care rep you take some time to train all the newbies are have no idea what they are talking about. I hate it when they comment accounts about us giving them all this stuff, but don't respond to emails about what they offered! Cust service just wants to get them off the phone so they can take their next call.
last week i had a customer on the phone with cust care, cust care proceeds to tell the cust that the 427 is a bad phone!! I had to physically show cust that the 427, in my area, is a top ten performing handset on the sales portal. So cust care tells them to come here and get a free sim! Come here before they tell them about XBM, make them waste a trip. How about take off and put back on commission-ab...

Dec 12, 2004, 1:20 PM
Unfortunately there are dealers and care reps alike who make mistakes and/or give misinformation. Dealers are not perfect and reps are not perfect. There are always going to be some of both who either don't know there job or don't care about there job. Care can't place the blame on dealers and dealers can't place the blame on Care.

Dec 12, 2004, 1:56 PM
I'm with you on that one Megs! I got to stay here til 9:30 the other night because some idiot CS rep argued with me about what I can and can't do with POS.comI. She told me I could do something I couldn't and insisted that I try it her way. When I asked her to hold so she could see the same error message that I KNEW would come up she became irate and started yelling about why I had her holding.

NEWSFLASH TO ALL CS REPS: Agents are customers too. Without us Cingular, or any company for that matter, would have A LOT fewer customers. We don't like calling CS anymore than the customer does.

NEWSFLASH #2: POS.comI DOES NOT have access to grandfathered rate plan codes. WE CAN'T DO A THING WITH THEM.

Dec 12, 2004, 1:13 PM
I want your direct number, some of these other reps are mad at the world.

Dec 12, 2004, 1:38 PM
Believe it or not you are not the first customer who has said that. I wish everybody in care and retail had a similar attitude because it would make my job a lot easier. At the same time if most of our customer where more like you our jobs would be a lot easier. You seem to genuinely want to know about your service. Your a smart consumer.

Dec 12, 2004, 1:10 PM
I totally agree! I feel the same way brother!

Dec 12, 2004, 1:24 PM
I am a girl!! see the name megs, short for megan!

Dec 12, 2004, 1:29 PM
sorry, babe! didn't know. 🤭 but I'm feel all your pain, i just found out the the new hires are getting paid more than i get paid (base salary) and I've been here two years! I tired of the customers and the company!

Dec 12, 2004, 2:02 PM
damn, that sucks. I'm with you guys. I don't mind doin some customer service, but I HATE the way cust's present themselves most of the time. Bigbmc, you're in Greensboro right? So you know EXACTLY what I deal with.

Ya know what I hate? The ones who come in to my agent store and then get mad cause I can't do all the things corporate can. I'd love to help, but I really can't. I actually had someone tell me one day that "it's too bad there's people like you in the world" cause I couldn't take his bill payment.

Dec 12, 2004, 2:11 PM
well, imagine being here in the mall with the indirect store directly under us. they mess up accounts, then send them upstairs for us to fix it and we get yelled at for they're mistakes. 👿 that burns me up.

Dec 12, 2004, 2:17 PM
OOOOO yeah I forgot that that just opened up on the 1st floor. I hear they suck. I know I can't even get a rep to say hello, much less try to sell me a phone. But at least you're near the candy store and the food court. All I got is a Quizno's. 🤣

Don't feel bad, I get the overflow from all the other agents in the area....as well as anyone pissed off at Westover Ter.

What I hate is that CS gives customer's the number for my agent store thinking it's the Westover Ter. corporate location...then they yell at me even more cause I can't help em. Any corporate job openings in the area? If I'm gonna have to deal with corporate problems I might as well BE corporate.

Dec 12, 2004, 2:22 PM
Everyone hates westover, they mess up as much as the indiect does. We need one here at the mall, apply online. You'll make more base than I am. 😢

Dec 12, 2004, 2:28 PM
hell ya gotta have better traffic that we do here WAY out on battleground. Sad thing is that I've only got a couple months experience (started in LATE sept.) so I probably don't qualify. As far as Westover.....I think I've actually got more of their customers than they do. Anytime they screw up the people come to me and for the most part I get em fixed.

How is the pay structure at corporate? I know it could be a LOT better here.

Dec 12, 2004, 2:47 PM
it sucks! you're not paid on what you know or how much education you have. You're paid on on much @$$ you can kiss and new hires always get a higher base than older employees. when you get a raise, it's only for like a .10 or .15, which still won't but you at what the new kids are making. the commission gets lower and lower every month. they raise you quota, then lower what you get paid per activation and upgrade. as megs stated earlier, we only get $2 for and upgrade on a 2yr contract. it used to be $4, before that it was $50.

Dec 12, 2004, 3:01 PM
we're getting $4 for an upgrade, but as for activations I've seen better commission structures in the area. The most I can get for an act. is $16, and that's on the HIGH dollar plans. We have to sell verticals to get any kind of real cash. And those are increasingly hard to sell considering the cheap kids that come into my store. "All I wanna do is call, I don't need anything else" After they say something like that, there goes my paycheck. And DAMN these people wanting cameraphones for FREE!!!!

on a side note...you guys don't price match the website do ya? I spent 45 min the other day convincing someone that even corporate stores won't do that.

Dec 12, 2004, 3:24 PM
I remember when i worked at Radioshack they used to give $20 per act and $10 per upgrade. Thats the ONLY thing i found cool about workin there.

Dec 12, 2004, 3:54 PM
nope, customer service does, they'll give away the company if they could. I've lost money because a customer came into the store wanting a x427 for free like online. i sold them free t226, she called customer service and the sent her the x427s for free. canceling all the contracts that i had signed for them (3).

Dec 12, 2004, 4:01 PM
sounds like us. WE WILL NOT price match the internet. I've only worked here since Sept. and I can't tell ya how many act's I've lost cause the net sells v220's, x427's and c1300's for free.

I even had one come in, holding a prinout that said "Online only price" and asked for it. When I pointed it out he realized, shrugged and left. The funny thing is I usually see those people again, wanting me to fix it cause online screwed up thier activation or account. I send them to Westover everytime. No offense, but online is a corporate thing, so I'll let corporate handle it.

Dec 12, 2004, 4:06 PM
we send them back to cs. 😈

Dec 12, 2004, 4:11 PM
nice....it's usually just a bad SIM or something like that. But I figure if I've already seen them once, they got their info from me, they didn't buy from me (therefore screwin me out of some hard earned cash) and then came back and wanted me to fix it. I'm gonna send them in the hardest possible direction....and here, that's either to another agent, or Westover. I would have set them up with a working phone to begin with, and supported them if something went wrong. You screw me, I make life harder for you.


Dec 12, 2004, 4:17 PM
you need to come work with us at the mall, we use the same philosophy

Dec 12, 2004, 4:30 PM
seems like a lot of people are using that philosophy these days. What's your monthly average for act's? Like I said traffic there HAS to be better than it is here. There are days like today when I don't see a single soul...except for CS issues, which I can't work with cause CS is closed and I got no one to call.

I'm actually gonna be in the mall this evening, I've gotta run to the Dollar Tree to look for something. I'll stop by and say hi, I'll probably still be wearing my Cingular name tag.

Dec 12, 2004, 4:57 PM
we'll be here until 8. i average about 50 a month, my quota for dec. is 56

Dec 12, 2004, 4:59 PM
ooo, my quota's 30. Since I've gotten here we've been averagin about 40 or so. Last month we hit 43, 25 of which were mine.

Oh well, it's closin time. Lockin the doors, headin to the mall and then home to my woman and my cats. 😁

catch you guys later!

Dec 12, 2004, 4:30 PM
hey, at our merger hoo rah, they said that At&T actually matched on-line prices, so is that coming to cingular??
i hate the emails where you are supposed to sell yourself and convince the customer to buy from you, hey if i was getting a phone for up to $100 less online, i don't care if you make me dinner and clean my house as my salesperson, i'm going on-line.
besides, they have the company locations to fix any problems!

Get this, we have a blue store down the road in the mall. after the merger we had a family in here inquiring about a 4 line family talk plan. customer was eligible for corp discounts on monthly service and since we are now the same company so we offer those, but the at&T store offered to waive all activation fees. thats...

Dec 12, 2004, 4:35 PM
What I wanna know is WHY THE HELL have I been hearing so many cust's asking if we have a BOGO deal? Most of em cite a commercial or something. Are cell phones so common now that people expect us to GIVE them away if they get more than one line?

Dec 12, 2004, 4:37 PM
company stores have bogo on v180's all month long. this weekend only we have v551's as buy one get ones too, thats a nice deal.
i'm pretty sure the pricing by agents is determined by your company, not cingular.

Dec 12, 2004, 4:40 PM
we go by Cingular's price sheet, but since we have to pony up to get ANY phones in the store we don't do bogo. Not to mention if we act any familytalk lines the commission the company gets is so low that we can't afford to offer deals like that, unless the phone's already free.

Dec 12, 2004, 4:20 PM
how are you getting 4 dollars for an upgrade? they pulled that in july, but spiffed us through the end of sept to be nice.
does anyone know if this is true??
cingular makes more money keeping customers than activating new ones? is that true.
and if so, shouldn't they pay us more for upgrades??

we had a huge merger rally at the wachovia center in PA, and we had a Q & A session. I stood up and asked, what are we getting paid for migrations?? until this time we had no idea, maybe as a new activation considering relos are news and it is kinda like a relo, but management said don't get your hopes up, should be an upgrade. They didn't have an answer, if you could believe that. They preached how important it is to get those at&t migrations, ...

Dec 12, 2004, 4:32 PM
I work for an exclusive agent. MY corporate office sets the commission structure that I work off of. That's how I get $4 for upgrades.

As for Migrations, we don't even do them here in the Carolina's. Just treat 'em like ports. 😈

Dec 12, 2004, 4:35 PM
you suck! i know agents make more, but since i started at the company store, i'd feel like i'd be lowering myself to become one of you guys!!! 😛
ALSO jealous you are in cali, jersey here.

Dec 12, 2004, 4:38 PM
no no.....North Carolina. My corporate office is in Cali. It's not lowering yourself. Just makes things a little harder in some areas. The good thing is that those idiots you were talking about that come and yell at you for something someone else told them? Yeah you can send them on their way to the corporate store to yell at them, not only do you not have to deal with it, YOU CAN'T!

But the hourly pay SUCKS and the only way you can get any real pay is by selling features...which are getting harder and harder to sell, cause people are cheaper and cheaper.

Dec 13, 2004, 9:59 AM
Corporate employees are Union, right? I say it's time for you to renegotiate. The store I work for makes about $40 off an upgrade, which makes me the $4 also... but there's hourly on top of that. We get screwed on one end because we have to buy the phones from Cingular and the costs fluctuate so much that it's really easy for things to depreciate, but we're obviously being paid more for the same things. If you look at it another way though, whatever your hourly breaks down to may be a lot more than what we're paid.

Dec 13, 2004, 10:26 AM
I definitely share your sentiments... Some of our customers are just idiots that shouldn't even have a cell phone in the first place... but instead of quitting just climb the corporate ladder, find another dept... I for one can say it feels good to be off the phones... 😎

Dec 13, 2004, 12:24 PM
Me too. Market Support is where it's at! 🙂

Dec 12, 2004, 4:54 PM
You are correct, the took it from us in July. And i think we should get paid more for upgrades that keep customers at cingular.

Dec 12, 2004, 8:41 PM
I could not agree with you more. That would reduce churn becuase essisting customers are being turned away by dealers. and the deals are so much better on new activations that so many customers are canceling their service and opening up new accounts with cingular.

Dec 13, 2004, 1:19 PM
I have worked in the wireless industry for 4 years. I am currently awaiting being shipped to Navy bootcamp. I am so getting out of this crap. I am right now a store manager for an indirect VZW agent. We have 6 stores in the west Florida area. Mine is in Tampa.

I have been with some other wireless companies and other locations and it's all the same crap so far. I can't stand customers it is getting to a point where I can't even stand dealing with people anymore because all I do all day is get bitched at about this and that.

Whoever said somewhere in a reply to this to be an agent and get less crap to deal with it's right in a way... Still, I get yelled at for stuff i CAN'T do.. Like take payments... Alot of the times I'll dial cust ca...

Dec 13, 2004, 1:41 PM
I would rather stay here than go into the armed forces with the state of the world, but good luck.
I could complain all day long on this forum, and still wouldn't be able to complain about it all!

Dec 13, 2004, 2:21 PM
Thanks... Although you do have a valid point. I just look at it as a better future and possibly setting me up for something better down the road... Like retirement at 45. =)

That is assuming I live that long... However, i'm not going in the Army or Marines, or even a job that should place me directly into some sticky situation... I'm already signed up for Admin. However, you never know and you just have to be willing to take that chance.

Until I ship, 5 months away, I might get a part-time job at like Home Depot or something. Wow, then I could have 3 days off a week instead of 1... Well good luck to whith what you end up doing aswell... Just run run run and never look back! I left and came back, stupid mov for me.

Dec 13, 2004, 5:03 PM
orbitalpulse said:
I'm already signed up for Admin. However, you never know and you just have to be willing to take that chance.

yeah, like the Admin guy on the Cole... 😳

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