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Mar 23, 2005, 11:57 PM
I just want to find out one thing... Do cingular orange reps have ACW? Or any form of after call work that will stop you from getting another call right away? Because i work in blue and we no longer have ACW, and their reason is that orange reps have no ACW.

Mar 24, 2005, 12:12 AM
mattm745 said:
I just want to find out one thing... Do cingular orange reps have ACW? Or any form of after call work that will stop you from getting another call right away? Because i work in blue and we no longer have ACW, and their reason is that orange reps have no ACW.

Did you also see that they are as of Apr 3,2005, getting rid of Aux time, they said it was paid for by ATT to help with training, and since cingulasr does not book training until needed, its taken away.

Mar 24, 2005, 9:37 AM
lovely. Now I quit more.

Mar 24, 2005, 12:50 PM
Since I haven't seen you for several days I guess that means you already quit???

And you didn't tell me??? đŸ˜ĸ đŸ˜ĸ

Mar 24, 2005, 1:09 PM
no, I didn't quit yet (do you really think I'd quit without rubbing it in your face - er, I mean telling you?) I was off Tuesday and Thursday (today) and I called in sick yesterday because my toothache is back WITH A FIERY VENGEANCE. My tooth is infected now and I have to have a root canal. Yay. I'm shift-swapping with Ellen so she can have this weekend off, so that's why I'm scheduled for 2 days off this week. This weekend's going to suck, though, since I'll be at work with my toothache (even the new cool prescription pain killers they gave me do nothing) and no one I know is on this weekend. Oh well.

Mar 24, 2005, 1:11 PM
oh, except my TL. He's on this weekend. So it'll be just me and him. Maybe he'll want to discuss my CAP some more, and do a whole bunch of monitors on me. Life just can't get better than this.

Mar 24, 2005, 2:59 PM

I had Mon and Tue off. Lucky me since I hear Monday was super busy 🙂

Then this weekend I have a 4 day weekend. Work Wed and get Thur off.

I'm thinking of using my last floater and getting Wed off next week too. 6 days off.

BTW! An Angel told me that since my TL is MIA another TL has gone over my teams phone logins and is going to notify my TL that I have several log offs from the phone each day that don't corrispond to my breaks. Oppps.

Mar 24, 2005, 3:21 PM
hahahah I knew those bathroom breaks you take almost religiously on a daily basis would get you in trouble! Is he going to CAP you for it? I'm probably going to get another CAP for attendance now that I've missed another day. That makes 2 CAPs, one DAP, 3 QIPs, and an AMP. Score.

Have fun on all your days off, I'll be thinking of you when I take a week off in November when you've already used up all your vacation. 😛

Wait what am I talking about, I'm not going to last until November.

Mar 24, 2005, 3:42 PM
What are you on CAP for?? I know that DAP is ACW. I know what the QIP's. Hell I'm QIP king 😁

BTW my TL doesn't do QIPs. ☚ī¸

But what is the AMP??

I just got off my CAP 1 for tardieness. If they bring up that I should of been using Schedual adherance forms I'm so going to reply...
"I haven't wasted a Schedual Adherance form since October! If this was a problem why wasn't it brought to my attention 5 months ago?!?!?"
So far today, since the Angel was nice enough to give a heads up, I've been good! Actually went to bathroom during a break! I feel so dirty 🤭 😲 đŸ˜ŗ

You should so use all the Vac time you can right away. Who cares if you gotta pay it back!

Mar 24, 2005, 4:06 PM
Let's see, I'm on my brand new CAP (my first ever) for repeated call defects. I had the same defect 4 times out of 4 monitors (it's the stupid loyalty statement, of course). The AMP stands for Attendance Management Program, and I got it last October after I missed 3 weeks of work. Well really I only missed 1 week, but then my TL put me on short term leave, then (incompetent worker who shall remain nameless) failed to be able to put me back on the schedule for another 2 weeks. Bah. I don't know how long an AMP lasts, though, because my TL never told me before she quit.

Your TL doesn't do QIPs?? how nice for you.

You know, that is a REALLY good idea. I'll use up all my vacation time and then quit the minute my husband gets his new raise,...

Mar 24, 2005, 4:18 PM
Thats what I'm doing! đŸ¤Ŗ

Except the quiting when your husband gets a raise.... đŸ˜ŗ 😕

I'm going to try and last until the end of May. may just quit at start of may.

Started May 25th/04
Quit May 1st/05

Resume will say May2004 to May 2005. Thats 1 full year =)

I should get CSE either Apr 4th or near the end of Apr.

I think the AMP is over 😉 Ya my schedual conflits so much with my TL and with my Vacation and his MIA and his training, That I can only remember 1 monitor by him this month. 2 at max 😁 😁 😁

Your TL seems to have gotten... ummmmm.... Not Nice since I left the team.... ☚ī¸

Mar 24, 2005, 5:13 PM
Quit playing Sims and respond 😁 đŸ¤Ŗ đŸ¤Ŗ 😈 😈 😛 😛

Mar 24, 2005, 8:43 PM
Last reply was hours ago.....
inACW, You didn't do something stupid like get a life did you?? đŸ˜ŗ đŸ˜ŗ đŸ˜ŗ đŸ˜ŗ đŸ˜ŗ

Mar 25, 2005, 7:59 AM
LOL @ getting a life
Yeah I went out and met the husband at Second Cup and drank warm milk. PARTY TIME ROCK ON AFLKJDKLJFHE!!@!!#$^%$ Then we came home and he monopolized the computer for the rest of the night.

Damn, my tooth hurts. It is now 5:55a.m. and I've been up since 4 because I couldn't sleep through the pain. I'm working 1230-9 today, and work is GOING TO BE HELL. Only 26 more days until my root canal ends my suffering. Bah.

Mar 25, 2005, 8:09 AM
Man I wish I could say I've only gotten 1 monitor.

yeah, there's been a bit of not-niceness, but I think it's because standards are getting stricter and it looks bad for the TL if the team doesn't meet the new standards. He often emails us memos that sound like warnings about the strict rules of the near future. I guess they're getting ready to do things the Cingular way. Bah.
Big Daddy

Mar 25, 2005, 3:53 PM
Big Daddy

Mar 25, 2005, 3:45 PM

Mar 25, 2005, 3:46 PM
Big Daddy

Mar 25, 2005, 3:47 PM
so whats the answer?

Mar 25, 2005, 5:25 PM
Conduct action plan. Or something like that.

Its a disiplinary (sp???) thing.
Cap 1 is a warning
Cap 2 is a written warning
Cap 3 is like your so close to being fired

For example I was late 6 times since the new year. On Feb 16th I was put on a Cap 1. Cap1 are put on a 30 day review period. If during that period I did not improve my tradiness they would escalate it to a Cap 2 or 3 depending how many times I was absent or late.

Another example is Call Avoidance. If they catch ya you get a Cap 3. Then there is a 90 day review period and if you get caught again your fired.

Mar 24, 2005, 12:25 AM
We had our aux taken away as of tonight! waiting for the aux..oops! I mean the axe to fall about the acw....but it's all because of that dread orange


Mar 24, 2005, 1:23 AM
I think taking away Aux time is a stupid idea. I heard that at my center now we can only have 5 mins of Aux work at the beginning of the shift, and if we go over the 5 mins then its an instant employment review.. no caps, just an employment review. They'll be firing everybody if they do that. 🙄

Mar 24, 2005, 8:08 AM
I still have ACW. Of course I can still do a lot of things that apperently some can't. Like order new blue phones for both TDMA and GSM.

Mar 24, 2005, 9:39 AM
wow, what department? Care? Sounds more like NBS though, with ordering new TDMA blue phones. I've spoken to a lot of nationally contracted business customers who are still getting their discounts on new TDMA phones.

Mar 24, 2005, 10:09 AM
BEUC, I imagine that NBS could too. There are new Att phones out there.

Here is a little tidbit I heard, I can't confirm it is true since I havent' tried it myself, but new orange phones should be unlocked.

In fact I think the V3 Razer and V551 say Cingular on them

Mar 24, 2005, 12:48 PM
bcbinders said:
BEUC, I imagine that NBS could too. There are new Att phones out there.

Here is a little tidbit I heard, I can't confirm it is true since I havent' tried it myself, but new orange phones should be unlocked.

In fact I think the V3 Razer and V551 say Cingular on them

Judging by your handle i would probably say the victoria BEUC location.

The orange phones are locked to cingular now, the only phones not are the ones in BEUC and they are locked to blue, because like everyone else, the blue phones ARE gone, but when you place the order, they the Cingular Version of that phone.

Mar 24, 2005, 12:52 PM
That indeed may be the case. But there still is quite a few GSM phones that people can buy. And a few TDMA.

Mar 24, 2005, 12:56 PM
bcbinders said:
That indeed may be the case. But there still is quite a few GSM phones that people can buy. And a few TDMA.

But you know anyone you do that to, you are basically screwing them over, you know that right?

Mar 24, 2005, 1:52 PM
How is it screwing them over? What if these people don't live in a area where they can get decent GSM coverage? Not everyone lives in a big city.

Mar 24, 2005, 2:01 PM
bcbinders said:
How is it screwing them over? What if these people don't live in a area where they can get decent GSM coverage? Not everyone lives in a big city.

you wanna know how, i'll tell you, and this comes from the Top MO in the centre.Here are 2 situaions

1)Customer buys phone, no contract renewal os full price, 4 months down the road, phones breaks, and there are NO PHONES AT ALL, he has to pay more money to migratefor another or he gets nothing.

2)Customer buys phone with discount through "service" contract renewal.Now all promotions will be coming off the systems, if you look in every non divested market in ccnet under "service promotions" there is free mode for 1 month, or unlimited mode...

Mar 24, 2005, 2:33 PM
You are assumeing that they will quit selling TDMA phones all together. At which point if they did a person could go where they wish and likely get a new customer promo. As you said they aren't under contract.

And as for promo's, I did just check for current promo's and they are still there. Most of them are for contract renewal, but the promo stays as long as they stay on the qualifying plan. (I just checked)

And if the phone broke in 4 months, they could take it to our friends in WEX.

Mar 24, 2005, 2:59 PM
First of all they gonna be stop selling all tdma phones, why do you think if you look in cup or Ibus there are 3 phones for tdma, they all have no contract pricing only.

As for the promos there are no "service" promotions. Just save only, and there was e-mails sent out out that only "save teams" are allowed to use them.

You may think that keeping people on blue to help out them does, but is truly screws them over.

By doing what you say you are, you are helping the short term,and screwing them long term.

That why they launched the "raising the bar" in the centers, they want them back to helping long term.

Mar 25, 2005, 9:53 AM
First there are more than 3 TDMA phones that we can sell on the Blue side. And not all the promos are not saves. And there is still contract pricing.

And like I said before, not everyone can live in a big city where there is GSM coverage. I would imagine that they are keeping the contract pricing until they expand the GSM coverage to more rural areas.

Mar 25, 2005, 10:42 AM
bcbinders said:
First there are more than 3 TDMA phones that we can sell on the Blue side. And not all the promos are not saves. And there is still contract pricing.

And like I said before, not everyone can live in a big city where there is GSM coverage. I would imagine that they are keeping the contract pricing until they expand the GSM coverage to more rural areas.

Boy dude, you don't look in cup/ibus too often do ya? There is 3 phones in TDMA, and they are all "no contract price", you know there are normally 3 options: no contract, 1 year or 2 year, well on the tdma there is only no contract.FYI, they phased out ALL TDMA promos like first of march, except in divested markets.If you need proof, PM...

Mar 25, 2005, 3:51 PM
I do use IBUS quite a bit, and as of today there was still options for no contract price as well as one and two year. I rarely use cup.

I don't doubt that you only have 3 TDMA phones availiable to you on IBUS. And I checked again, looked up my P&P's and everything and we can still add promos.

Anyhow I would love to see those emails. I will PM you in a bit.

And as for following company policy I think you are mistaken on just how many TDMA phones I sell. I would say maybe 2 or 3 a month max, usually they are replacements for exsisting plans, or adding another line to a shared line. I think you get the idea I am selling hundreds.

But I present all the options that are available to the customer. And I do my best to not be bia...

Mar 25, 2005, 4:08 PM
bcbinders said:
First there are more than 3 TDMA phones that we can sell on the Blue side. And not all the promos are not saves. And there is still contract pricing.

dude, unless you are counting the refurbished 2260 as a different phone than the new 2260, then there really are only 3 TDMA phones in stock for business customers. I know because I have access to the direct exact inventory levels and check it for numerous phones daily.

Mar 25, 2005, 4:10 PM
oops, messed up the blockquote. sowwy 🤭

Mar 24, 2005, 7:08 PM
well, from what I have seen, the new "blue" phones that business customers are getting do often say cingular on them, but they still have inner workings of AT&T Wireless phones, complete with actual AWS part numbers. so we can differentiate between if a customer got a blue devices that says cingular, and an orange device.

Mar 24, 2005, 7:20 PM
ballderdash said:
well, from what I have seen, the new "blue" phones that business customers are getting do often say cingular on them, but they still have inner workings of AT&T Wireless phones, complete with actual AWS part numbers. so we can differentiate between if a customer got a blue devices that says cingular, and an orange device.

Thats right, thats why only blue business customer can get phones, because cingular by buying att, also took the business contracts, and they have contractually obligated to provide phones, to blue business customers.They are loced to blue side only.

Mar 24, 2005, 9:37 AM
whoa whoa whoa you no longer have aftercall? What department are you? care?? If so, which centre?? (of course I will understand if you don't want to answer that for privacy reasons.) If they're taking aftercall away, I quit. Once I pay for my glasses and my root canal.

Mar 24, 2005, 12:51 PM
inACW said:
whoa whoa whoa you no longer have aftercall? What department are you? care?? If so, which centre?? (of course I will understand if you don't want to answer that for privacy reasons.) If they're taking aftercall away, I quit. Once I pay for my glasses and my root canal.

Well they will be eventually taking ACW away, what they are doing is selecting teams in different centers to to test it, and see how their stats take a hit or not, they are just testing it, but for everyone, one apr 3,2005 aux goes bye-bye!!!

Mar 24, 2005, 8:59 PM
aux already went bye-bye for warranty this week. it really annoys me, too, because now it means that we have to either be totally unprepared for our first call or two, or we have to come in earlier and not get paid to bring up systems that we require. I have a lot of crap I have to bring up for my job, and it rarely takes me less than 10 or 11 minutes to get it all going.

Mar 24, 2005, 9:33 PM
ballderdash said:
aux already went bye-bye for warranty this week. it really annoys me, too, because now it means that we have to either be totally unprepared for our first call or two, or we have to come in earlier and not get paid to bring up systems that we require. I have a lot of crap I have to bring up for my job, and it rarely takes me less than 10 or 11 minutes to get it all going.

I totally agree with you, i got to bring up siebel, the gsm lookup tool for ocs resets or register customers, i gotta bring up Axys! for customer who migrated from 2g to 2.5g, who either want to reverse migrate within the 30 days or deal with migrated balance transfers, and i also have to have the migration tool.Thats...

Mar 25, 2005, 12:03 AM
I don't bother with GLUT, it's useless for warranty, and siebel tends to be more up to date. the only good thing about GLUT is that the hot notes are easier to see there.
I have to bring up Axys, Siebel, Oracle, NWES, NWRS, Webaxe, and RLM for orange warranty, which we just started doing in addition to blue warranty. and those are just the tools I use. I still have to have other windows up for informational purposes to look things up, and I have a gazillion e-mails to read as well.
so basically, they just added things for me to have to work with, but took away my prep time for it.
I find it dumb that Aux time was considered to be for training. it's prep time for all the dumb crap we have to work with.

Mar 25, 2005, 12:12 AM
I am trained on NWES, but since its not my department i don't need, it, i may use NWRS 1 or 2 calls per night, so only bring it up when i actually need it.E-mails i get a lot of, so yeah, plus i check the daily hot topics, always lots there.

As for aux i agree with you, but thats the oficial company line, so its been eliminated as of apr 3, 2005 in all centers.But we do what the bosses tell us, who knows thewy alsways tend to adjust stuf, so it maycome back.I mean orange reps told they something similar called "not ready" so who knows?

Mar 25, 2005, 1:42 PM
I haven't heard that in our centre???

We actually get an hour and a half off the fons every week for QA stuff and we use AUX and our breaks are AUX how do they expect to youi make good account notes if you have NO ACW???

Our centre has not said anything about that although they might next week who knows.

Mar 31, 2005, 12:23 AM
they expect us to notate as we talk to the customers... and we were even given a nice little verbatim designed to keep the customers on the phone longer whilst we make our notations... 😕 i guess we're not supposed to leave good notes anymore *shrug*

Mar 25, 2005, 7:51 AM
That's what I was thinking. I think what I'll do is clock in before bringing up all my systems, THEN log into the phone and start taking calls. When my TL notices my phone time variance going through the roof, we'll have a discussion about the 10 minutes of system start-up I don't plan to do on my own time. Or I'll get fired. đŸ¤Ŗ

Mar 25, 2005, 10:15 PM
inACW said:
That's what I was thinking. I think what I'll do is clock in before bringing up all my systems, THEN log into the phone and start taking calls. When my TL notices my phone time variance going through the roof, we'll have a discussion about the 10 minutes of system start-up I don't plan to do on my own time. Or I'll get fired. đŸ¤Ŗ

They've effectively put that to an end here. They've disabled all of the timepunch machines and we are only allowed to clock in and out on our desktops. So, we pretty much have to access systems before clocking in. Still, even after bringing up the desktop (as slow as it can be some days), there's still about 5-7 minutes worth of stuff to bring up. Gah!

Mar 25, 2005, 10:57 PM
not_in_halifax said:
inACW said:
That's what I was thinking. I think what I'll do is clock in before bringing up all my systems, THEN log into the phone and start taking calls. When my TL notices my phone time variance going through the roof, we'll have a discussion about the 10 minutes of system start-up I don't plan to do on my own time. Or I'll get fired. đŸ¤Ŗ

They've effectively put that to an end here. They've disabled all of the timepunch machines and we are only allowed to clock in and out on our desktops. So, we pretty much have to access systems before clocking in. Still, even after bringing up the desktop (as slow as it can be some days), there's still about 5-7 minutes w

Mar 24, 2005, 5:30 PM
....yeah and pay for my car and house....LOL

đŸ¤Ŗ đŸ¤Ŗ

Mar 24, 2005, 12:59 PM
We do have it on the Orange side, it's termed 'not ready'. Now, with the queue being as dead as it has been, I haven't gone over 7 minutes Not Ready per day this month... đŸ˜ŗ

Mar 26, 2005, 10:21 AM
I dont think that Cingular reps do have ACW, which explains why they're so grumpy all the time and dont care about customer service at all. Pretty soon that'll rpobably be the rest of us because we'll be so stressed out without aftercall we'll start mixing up the customers. Seriously, I dont understand how they expect us to do a good job without ACW. Cant leave good notes, and apparently have to type whil talking (which is a pain in the ass, because I always say what I'm typing).

I hate Cingular, and I hate Convergys, and if I could find a better job in RD I really would, because this is getting ridiculous.

Mar 31, 2005, 5:47 PM
I second that! But I'm going to Vancouver in 8 weeks to find a better job that this sh*t.

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