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Blue Rep's Last Names??


Jan 11, 2005, 9:51 AM
In our center, (just like any other AT&T/Cingular center or department now) we of course have to use our last name when opening our calls. However, unlike from what I have seen, other centers have been able to use a pseudo last name when opening their calls where we can not. We did get the forms and everything but the entire initative for the pseudo last names got halted by management for no reason whatsoever. What can I do for myself (and the other reps that work with me) as a form of recourse to get pseudo last names for all of the reps?

As for me, I absolutely refuse to use my real last name, it is rather unique, and with all the online tools like 411.com anyone can find me pretty easily.

Any input or positive feedback is appreciat...

Jan 11, 2005, 11:40 AM
Will all I know is that the place that I can give my last name is to Califormia customers if they ask because of that PUC law that went in affect in last December. every other market Idon't have too.

Jan 11, 2005, 4:50 PM
I agree with everything you mentioned, I dont know why our management simply keeps ignoring this situation.
I know that in Canada we do not have to release our last names if we dont want to at work, my uncle is a fairly powerful lawyer, I had a chance to talk to him breifly through the holidays.
I really dont know about our situation though, because we are employeed by an American company.
I also have a unique name and would also be easy to find if someone had to. I got into a situation yesterday were the customer started being vulgar and rude with me midway through the call, then he politely said "thank-you" followed by my first and last name that I had to give him at the start of the call... right before he hung up. That kind of stuf...

Jan 11, 2005, 5:49 PM
CinRep said:
I agree with everything you mentioned, I dont know why our management simply keeps ignoring this situation.
I know that in Canada we do not have to release our last names if we dont want to at work, my uncle is a fairly powerful lawyer, I had a chance to talk to him breifly through the holidays.
I really dont know about our situation though, because we are employeed by an American company.
I also have a unique name and would also be easy to find if someone had to. I got into a situation yesterday were the customer started being vulgar and rude with me midway through the call, then he politely said "thank-you" followed by my first and last name that I had to give him at the start of the call... right bef

Jan 11, 2005, 6:02 PM
If that is true, then it is definately illegal to force us to identify our last names to the general public.
At this point, QA are still unresolving any calls in which the real first and last names were not used. They also seem to be firing anybody who has poor quality.
I was thinking about quitting anyways.

Jan 11, 2005, 6:02 PM
As far as I heard only CSE rep's have to give last names. Are you saying you have to now taking ATTWS calls too?

I really like the idea, lets the customer know you don't have anything to hide.

And you probably have a better change of a piece of a dead satellie falling out of the sky than a disgruntled customer coming to look for you.

Jan 11, 2005, 6:08 PM
I don't care. I'd rather not have the psychos around here know me. We've had it happen quite a few times in our call center alone. We get the crazies.

Jan 11, 2005, 6:12 PM
Its true, I am working in a third party vendor center taking AT&T legacy calls, and we are forced to use our last name.

So from what I am getting from all of this is that most people agree with me that it is illegal to use our last names? If thats the case, what can be done about it, I'm not spending my years wages on lawyer fees again.

Jan 11, 2005, 6:22 PM
I work in a 3rd party vendor center in Canada, and we have not had to use our last names in years. I deal with ATTWS Legacy Customers , and if they request our last names or Location we advise for Security purposes we are not permitted to give out that information.

Jan 13, 2005, 3:57 AM
a years wages?
if we all antied up $10 bucks we'd have $8000 dollars in my center alone
that's a hell of a retainer...

Jan 20, 2005, 8:30 PM
I also work for a 3rd party vendor center taking AT&T legacy calls. We are being forced to use our real last names and when we directed our concerns to our Ops manager Malinda Melchior, she advised that this was a direct mandate "of the client" and that she has no control over it at all. She states that we are not allowed to use psuedo last names period and that that is the last word on it. Incidentally, I figured that if we must use our last names that it would be perfectly acceptable to use hers.

Jan 20, 2005, 8:56 PM
Oh...the Irony. 😁

Jan 12, 2005, 7:32 AM
It is way too easy to find out information (phone #, address, etc) on the internet. Try going to 411.com or 411.ca, or even try to google yourself. Some people are ignorant to how much info is actually out there and how easy it is to get, that's why I try to inform everyone about it. A sup here said "Someone actually getting info on your and doing something about it is very very slim", and I say it only takes 1 wacko to ruin your life.

Jan 13, 2005, 11:58 PM
Heard yesterday even blue care has to give their last names now. And a psuedo list isn't available.

That sucks for people who have a problem with it.

Jan 15, 2005, 10:49 AM
Exactly! If i were to google my name I'm the #1 result so it wouldn't be hard for someone on the other end of the call to write my name down and hunt me down on the internet 😕

Jan 15, 2005, 11:03 AM
You think that's bad? I am literally the only person in the world with my combination of first and last name... I've searched. That's cool though... the only one in the world. 😎

Jan 11, 2005, 6:06 PM
Everything is correct accept for call backs we do have to follow the US call back complience. We are not allowed to do callbacks to customers who drop unless previously arranged with them if they drop and in there time zone it is later than 8:00pm. All business practices are followed under the accordince to Canadian Law.

Jan 11, 2005, 6:22 PM
Here in Regina Call Center we are forced to use Real first and last names.

Jan 12, 2005, 8:38 PM
I'm in Tennessee and we are supposed to be using our real last names. Since I'm on the res desk, I answer to our reps with just my first name.

It gives me the willies giving out my real last name.

Jan 13, 2005, 4:38 AM
Primus search for proprietary lists employee information as still protected.
I sent a letter to my TL stating I refuse to comply with their request because it is in violation of the proprietary info policy then quoted the solution number...
then again there are lots of primus solutions that contradict each other...

Jan 12, 2005, 7:36 AM
CinRep, can you give more information on what your uncle said about giving out last names? I would like to find some proof that I can "hand" to operations here...

Jan 12, 2005, 6:03 PM
I would have to talk to him again. Last time I spoke with him, it was a very casual conversation, he just told me what he already knew. I didnt tell him exactly what the specific situation was and he never did any research, but I could try to get ahold of him again. I agree, we need something that the opperations team cannot ignore. I have a copy of the 2003 Criminal Code, but I dont have the training to find stuff like that.

Jan 11, 2005, 10:18 PM
I personally don't really care if they get my last name, I say it in a way that you can't understand it and they never hear it right the first time anyways. I have been called Wes and Nancy so far and other times when I wasn't supposed to give out my last name, they still got it wrong. Then when they ask for my name I just say my first name. Only if they ask for my last name do I give it a 2nd time. If they ask me to spell it then I might have a problem.

I do agree that the people who have unique names should NOT have to give it out and I don't blame you guys. I just feel if a customer wants to fly/drive up here to yell at me or do whatever, they will have a fun time trying to find me and it will cost them $$$/Time to do this.

Jan 12, 2005, 12:33 AM
if a angry customer really has the time and patience to track me down and yell at me in person while im off work....then i hope hes ready to deal with it. cause in person the mr.nice cant swear/cuss/yell back policy is left at the office door. so hes gonna get a good yelling right back. and for the ones who like to say "they know martial arts" great. i enjoy a good scrap as much as the next guy. bring er on i say. its been a long time since i had a decent spot of violence. muahahaha

Jan 12, 2005, 8:40 PM

I think that if Cingular wants us to use our real last names, they should help us pay for karate class.

Jan 13, 2005, 4:08 AM
the thing is it is disrespectful for them to demand we do this.
also, they are shifting responsibility from themselves to us or at least the perception.
when joe123 says no dice to the credit it seems like it's becuase joe 123 is just another powerless mook in the monolithic uncaring corp Inc. when it's joe shmoe it seems that joe shmoe personally doesn't want to. and that's the prob.
and not for joe shmoe in far away land, but for poor innocent joe shmoe who lives in the same town as insane customer X. who thinks he's talking to Local Joe Shmoe.

Jan 13, 2005, 2:23 PM
See?? AHH! It's not like I don't have ENOUGH problems with credit fraud. 😢

Jan 12, 2005, 9:27 AM
I am a "blue " rep, and decided that under no cicumstances will I be forced to use my last name. Aside from opening the door to more racist and discriminative innuendos from customers, I prefer to not have some psycho send me a letter bomb because i denied them a $750 credit for roaming charges. We have the right to protect our personal privacy, and I refuse to use my last name. Ha

Jan 12, 2005, 5:45 PM
Yeah, I'm thumbing my way through the PIPEDA Act right now. Gotta find somehting in there for us.

Jan 13, 2005, 4:15 AM
unfortunately there is nothing
i called the office of the privacy commissioner this morning and the rep said no, they can divulge ournames upon request.
he could not however find anything that stated we must provide out names.
little difference between them being asked and them demanding me to give it.

Jan 12, 2005, 6:11 PM
Our policy was just changed beginning last week. We were told in CSE training that we can give a pseudo last name but you have to go through a manager and submit a request for a pseudo last name and as long as it is accepted you can use it. I haven't taken any calls yet since I've been in training almost 2 weeks now so I'm not really sure how I feel about it yet 🙂

Jan 12, 2005, 6:17 PM
like was mentioned before. i say my name so fast most people miss the last name. and if they ask to repat i just give my first name. it usually ends there. as far as the mail bomb thing...well i know exactly what mail i get each month and when, as well as from who. i also know who would send me mail, since i have a po box. any mail i dont reconizee gets trashed. so i hope all my disgruntled customers like blowing up biffys...(a dumpster brand here in canada)cause thats all that theyll do. other then that a psudeo name would be cool. search under yahoo or google for name generators...you can find tons. like elf name, hobbit name...pimp name...porn star name....and so on and so forth. i plan to get me a nice elf name.... lol try and spell THAT...

Jan 12, 2005, 6:53 PM
I was thinking of getting "Himura" like Kenshin Himura. He's so awesome.

Jan 12, 2005, 7:00 PM
lol I was thinking the same thing. Himura as a last name if my center allows fake last names, just got the email today, and ntohing about fakes was in that email. I for one refuse to give my real last name, heck I am not even comfortible saying my last name to people I know, I do not like the name...

Jan 12, 2005, 7:06 PM
It's alright... It could be worse... Could be Jessi's... 😛

Jan 12, 2005, 7:08 PM
Yeah....mines crappy. It's rhymes with "beaver" and people like to point it out. 🙄

Jan 12, 2005, 7:39 PM
mine sounds like Horney/Homer depends on how I say it, how well peoples hearing is.

Jan 12, 2005, 7:42 PM
no one can hate theirs as much as mine.. not to mension how paranoid i also am about giving it out.. i usually say my fav color.. like purple or something. I get made fun of by the people who DO know it tho.. lol =\ oh well.

Jan 12, 2005, 9:25 PM

Aren't you proud? I didn't comment...

Jan 18, 2005, 5:39 PM
Yeah, mine's pretty bad too. It rhymes with Cruella DeVil's last name and people like to point it out. My sister has a song about her at her school...

Jan 20, 2005, 11:33 PM
Yeah.. well.. my last name sounds like the F bomb if the person isn't listening or if the connection is bad. So it looks like this policy is going to cause more escalations for me! YAY! ESCALATIONS!

Jan 21, 2005, 9:53 AM
And this message I posted is a wonderful example is why you shouldn't register for forums when you're half-asleep... -grumble grumble grumble-

Jan 21, 2005, 9:59 AM
Hey, F-bomb! 🤣

Jan 12, 2005, 7:40 PM
... you're alowed to do that???

Jan 12, 2005, 8:42 PM
Ohh... and elf name...

I need to google that. 🙂

Jan 12, 2005, 9:43 PM
ok maybe i can help clarify. basiclly in a nut shell, only government or federal employees are protected under privacy of info act. (in canada) since our call centers are not gov contracted, that act does not apply. so your stuck using your full name. now as far as i understand if you have legit concerns about your security...ie family you dont want tracking you down etc, you can request a fake name. however i believe it falls to your ops manager and supervisors discretion. cant say "yes" or "no" to the fake name bit tho. each situation is diffrent.

Jan 12, 2005, 11:46 PM
Ooohhh, i see... i still like purple... but yeah.. elf name, that works.. lol.. like anyone would take the time to notice anyway..

Jan 13, 2005, 12:03 AM
i have a friend who i call "mrs.purple.."lol i dunno were i got that from tho. i think id be mr.black. sounds like something offa the matrix..... "you seem surprized to see me .....mr.black..." yea i dunno. whatever. simpsons rule!

Jan 13, 2005, 12:13 AM
a friend????? mrs.purple???
mr.black? thats hott. oh am i alowed to say that?

Jan 13, 2005, 2:38 AM
Mr.Black... Mrs. Purple... wrong movie your thinking of there, not the matrix, it would be more along the lines of resivor dogs

hehehehe dontya just love that sceen with quinten tarrentino torturing the cop with "stuck in the middle with you" playing in the background? tempting thought for the jackasses who say we have to give out our last names..... sorry abot the spelling mistakes.... me is sleepy me is

Jan 13, 2005, 3:54 AM
I think this is all crap.
the P&P I pull clearly states that employee info is proprietary...
if they want me to start given out names I'll start with middle management, you know the ones, the guy you've never seen except he's listed in the directory as your supervisor?
hey, if my name isn't prorietary neither is his.
and frankly it ain't about me not providing service...
it's a lack of respect for them to demand this...
and I'm not worried about them hunting me down
I'm worried about the poor shmuck who lives in the same area as them and has my name that will get threatened or worse cause I won't give some credit that, between you and me, I couldn't really care if he had or not, just that now I'm PERSONALLY responsible in his eyes for...

Jan 13, 2005, 3:10 PM
Actually in our center psuedo last names were an option for every rep not wanting to use their real last name. Although you do have to note each account every time with the psuedo name or a nice 0 from QA. There is even a whole team Smiths here.

Jan 20, 2005, 11:42 PM
😡 In reading the previous posts, you people seem to be fixating on the spectacular aspects of this whole issue, that of somebody hunting you down, rather than true simple which is straight up identity theft. Do you really want the people in Detroit getting ahold of your personal information? I for one know EXACTLY what someone just like me can do with a computer and a hook like that.

Then there is the issue of ownership. I have not licensed my personal name to AT&T, Cingular, West, or any other corporate body for use in their business activities. If they want to prove that they have legal right to operate their business under my name without a negotiated contract then they can go for it in court.

If they are looking for another way to...

Jan 21, 2005, 12:05 AM
Wow, If I could, I would print this off to post this in my cubicle and show to a sup. This is awesome stuff.

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