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ATTWS Care to be phased out?


Sep 13, 2004, 8:26 AM
I've heard through the grapevine just today that as ATTWS customers are migrated to Cingular systems ATTWS care reps will begin to be layed off until we are gone. Is there any truth to this or is it just another assumption of what ight possibly happen?(I heard it from another rep, who did not reference any reliable source)
Big Daddy

Sep 13, 2004, 11:29 AM
there is no way they can handle double the customer base with the same amount of reps

Sep 13, 2004, 11:33 AM
From everyone i have talked to into Vp from Convergys, and other reps dir ATT reps are being downsized, they are being laid off in somecases, others getting fired, Cingular is doing similar thing as well, there will be Large centers for both plus Large Convergys centers doing the overflow outsource duties
Big Daddy

Sep 13, 2004, 11:40 AM
thats fine with me give me my unemployment and good riddance

Sep 13, 2004, 12:41 PM
I know I can find another job, I've never had a problem before but to be quite honest I find this job very easy and the enviroment is pretty laid back, you can get a way with a lot so I rather not end up somewhere were they monitor every little thing I do, ie:arriving late, long lunch/break, slow days were you pretty much do nothing, this job is very easy compared to some jobs out there so I'd like to hold onto it till I finish school.

Sep 13, 2004, 4:54 PM
And that, my friend, is a perfect example of why I hope you and most of the rest of your co-workers get laid off. ATTWS activations and customer care reps seem to be about 90% lazy morons. And by the way, they may not be able to handle double the customer base with the same old Cingular customer service workforce, but they definitely don't need double the customer care for double the customers. I personally think they should be able to almost do the job with the ones they have, but I hope they are extremely selective about the AWS care reps they keep on.

Sep 13, 2004, 5:25 PM
That's mean... And BTW I don't consider him lazy... maybe out of schedule adherence... But honestly how hard working is customer care? Cingular rarely has days where our queue is 0 and I still find it to be a kick back job... Given they focus quite a bit on stats... but hey... If you're doing your job it's fine. And on a sidenote... ;) *They don't block phonescoop.com*

Sep 13, 2004, 8:30 PM
speck said:
That's mean... And BTW I don't consider him lazy... maybe out of schedule adherence...
Well! I was disagreeing with the previous post until I read that! Yep, can the whole lot! Out of schedule adherence....maybe they will like it when they are out of paycheck adherence.... 😳

Sep 13, 2004, 9:09 PM
lol... Spoken like true management material.

Sep 13, 2004, 10:39 PM
speck said:
lol... Spoken like true management material.

Thankee thankee oops: 🤣 :

Sep 19, 2004, 4:24 PM
I work at convergys and they dont know what is going on. some ppl say attws project will be gone next month but yet they are still hiring ppl for attws project. i need my job and my checks are great with the overtime. i like my job although they pay sucks but then again i live in florida.
Purple Skunk

Sep 14, 2004, 8:34 AM
JDigital said:
And that, my friend, is a perfect example of why I hope you and most of the rest of your co-workers get laid off. ATTWS activations and customer care reps seem to be about 90% lazy morons.

Wow, that was kinda mean...sounds like someone didn't get credit for going over his minutes. Oh well, he's right everyone at ATTWS are lazy morons.

Sep 14, 2004, 12:19 PM
Don't be stupid... I'm not dumb enough to be an AWS customer. I sell AWS, so I know what I'm talking about. I also happen to sell Verizon and T-Mobile, which are the top ranked customer care carriers, and honestly, the difference is astounding. It almost seems like AWS goes around and hires anybody who was fired for incompetence at their previous job sight unseen.

Sep 14, 2004, 10:40 PM
no offence, but INDIRECT DEALERS are no better, i don't know how many calls i get from customers who go into indirect stores and they don't tell them half of what they should know ( i.e. first months bill is prorated) instead the dealers are worried about making commission. You say your not dumb enough to be a customer of AT&T then why the hell do you sell their phones ..... TO MAKE COMMISSION !!!!!

Sep 14, 2004, 11:02 PM
The worst is mobile Sollutions.

Sep 15, 2004, 12:58 AM
I'm sorry Jdigital but I gotta say this...


*whipes tears from eyes*

Oh my goodness, an indirect dealer lipping off the people who FIX THEIR MISTAKES ALL DAY EVERY DAY. Oh my god you people anger me so much, we have to remove about 90% of the features you idiots add to peoples accounts to get comission ALL the time. O.O LMAO I can't belive I heard that from an indirect dealer.

Sep 15, 2004, 8:35 AM
the chances of care reps getting laid off due to the merger is slim to none, they most certainly DO need double the reps for DOUBLE the customer base, yeah lets only have half the reps working what, 50 million customers? how ingenious that would be [/sarcasm], more then likely upper management would go, which is what typically happens in merger situations

Sep 15, 2004, 1:13 PM
Number one, you make a fool of yourself by lumping all indirect dealers together and assuming you know what I do or don't do simply because I am an indirect dealer. There are a lot of unscrupulous indirects, but I am not one of them. In fact, it's MY store, and I pride myself on being better trained and more helpful than the corporate store in town, which actually isn't very difficult. I get people all the time who can't believe what a bunch of dumbasses work at the direct store, and come to me for help instead. Nobody at AWS has ever had to fix one of my mistakes, but I can definitely tell you that I have taken it upon myself to fix theirs on several occasions, when there was absolutely no money in it for me (just a future customer).


Sep 15, 2004, 4:01 PM
"Number one, you make a fool of yourself by lumping all indirect dealers together and assuming you know what I do or don't do simply because I am an indirect dealer. "

so pretty much, you just replied to your own post that moobank was replying to.

I used to be aws care.
and I did do a very good job.
can't speak for all of them, and I know there are people that don't.
but it's very unfair for you to state what you did and then go and defend yourself with the same reason aws care rep would use to defend himself.

BTW: auto action group I found to be the worst for new activations, eevn tho mobile solutions is pretty bad too.
aws also got rid of best buy as in indirect dealer... wonder why. hahahha

Sep 15, 2004, 5:39 PM
When I posted the first time I was speaking in general terms. I'm perfectly aware that there are good AWS reps out there. If you are one of them, then I pray to God that they keep you on. After I made that GENERAL statement, moobak targeted me SPECIFICALLY as an incompetent indirect dealer. I would totally agree that MANY indirect dealers are shady.
Here is another reason why that logic flawed: AWS is one company, and all the different parts and employees of that one company have to deal with a single reputation. "Indirect dealers" is not a single entity. It is made up of hundreds or thousands of different people and different companies, and all those people and companies run the whole spectrum of honesty and competence. As such, it ...

Sep 15, 2004, 6:02 PM
well they don't have to let me go, I left a few months ago.

and the have ok cust care.
most of the problems are lack of communication between the many many departments they have.

thats where I think 70% of the problems occur.

Sep 16, 2004, 8:21 AM
well i would not say its all the indirect dealers' faults, think about how many times sales reps at the factory stores load up customers w/ things like mMode/txt/mms packages without notifying the customer because the first month is free, not to mention the rate plan confusion, i can hear it now "sure you will be covered nationwide" (while they put a customer on a local plan), come on, there is a HUGE lack of communication somewheres........

Sep 16, 2004, 9:54 AM
Unfortunately temp this is so true. I don't know how people can sleep at night knowing that they have just screwed someone completely. Don't these particular reps understand that if they do a really good job for a customer they will get positive advertisement through word of mouth?

Sep 16, 2004, 10:48 AM
they just think about the money involved, they get commission weather or not the customer stays on service beyond 30 days, but i do believe that there is truly a lack of communication between the 2 departments (sales and care), but now there are care reps being put into stores to help customers too, but that is not solving the problem w/ what the actual salesperson (GENERAL TERM) is telling the customer

Sep 17, 2004, 10:25 AM
also we have to keep in mind when a customer first stats service there's a lot to know.
so if the stoer guy explains everything to them, the customer will only hear 20% of it.
they will mainly just be thinking "oohh sweeeeet magepixel!!!" well.. maybe if they're more nerdier then the next person. most of them just want to get the phone and go and don't want to hear the rest.

I think thats a bigger problem then sales people trying to get commission.

but seriously, i had to remove the 29.99 wi-fi feature off a customer 19.99 local tdma plan before!!!! like wtf!!!!!

Sep 17, 2004, 10:45 AM
I wouldn't go as far as to say the customer is 50% responsible, they do have some responsibility but it would be more like 15-20% there responsibility . Good customer service should ensure that every customer understands the most important aspects of there service. Most customers think they do understand what they have and therefore feel they have no reason to clarify. Thats my opinion anyway.

Sep 17, 2004, 11:06 AM
never said it's 50%.
but the customer should know:
1. the home calling area
2. minutes and price of the plan
3. features the customer has and should have

and that would make the world easier for all.

Sep 17, 2004, 11:31 AM
exactly roamdog, but that goes 50/50, 50% on the explanation, and 50% on the comprehension

Sep 17, 2004, 11:54 AM
I always had a good idea for commercials for at&t wireless.
since I do think it's common knowledge, that they're advertizing strategies really suck.
they should have educating commercials. ahhaha
one thats explained like the HCA maybe, and also explain what they're offering, like comparing local HCA with national plan.

it would be better, let the customer know what they can get and also let them know about the HCA.

...but then i guess i see why they don't do that, all the other customers on older plans would get confused about the HCA.
GAH! they should just include the damn HCA map with the bill every month.,!!!!!

Sep 17, 2004, 11:57 AM
or an even better idea, quit offering local plans altogether

Sep 17, 2004, 12:03 PM
ahhahah but how do they make money off uneducated customers?

Sep 17, 2004, 12:08 PM
there would be less people saying "my plan is nationwide" :-P

Sep 17, 2004, 12:11 PM
and of course, less care reps saying "it says local on your bill every month"

or "thats nationwide long distance, different the roaming"

or "nationwide does not mean everywhere, jsut means the coverage stretchs from one coast to the other"

or "sir you're been on this plan for 3 years now, and you're saying the guy who sold it to you at the store said you would be covered in mexico?, I'm sorry, thats a different country, you're plan says national, not international."

Sep 17, 2004, 12:35 PM
ahahahahahh oh so true
Vox Dei

Sep 17, 2004, 12:42 PM
The best one i had was a Customer tried to convince me that Canada was the 55th state. Last time i looked at the flag it still had 50 little stars but then again i'm just a dumb canuck. I'm still trying to figure out 51 - 55. I figure PR, US virgin Island and Guam but i can't figure out 54. Being as i live in canada i'm pretty sure someone would have mentioned the fact that we became part of the US to me.

Sep 17, 2004, 12:53 PM
no way they would have told you, its one of those secret overnight operations 😛
Vox Dei

Sep 17, 2004, 1:27 PM
Check out a movie called Canadian Bacon. Very funny movie about the US invading Canada with a secret overnight operation.

Sep 17, 2004, 1:39 PM
i have heard about that movie 😎

Sep 17, 2004, 1:41 PM
hahahhah it's a funny movie. "and they're beer sucks" big brawl starts. hahahhah

Sep 17, 2004, 1:41 PM
oooooohhhhhh cannnnnaaaaddddddddaaaaaaaa 🤣

Sep 17, 2004, 12:53 PM
I think mexico would have to be the 54th. ahhahaha

Sep 17, 2004, 1:03 PM

Sep 17, 2004, 11:21 AM
Only 15-20% ,not even close,listen customers only hear certain things like "free phone" unlimited calling" "free long distance", all that they hear is that,anything they don't concern themselves with until they get something like overage,or roam,fees.Even after having the plan for 6 or 9 nine or more,well i never knewwhat i had on my plan,then if you dare ask, did you ever call in to ask,if you weren't sure before you did what caused you extra, they want a supervisor because you dared to ask them a common sense question, but you see they call in to make sure they everything they were promised, but convienantly forget that certain thing. It's more 50%-60% on the customer

Sep 17, 2004, 11:35 AM
unlimited N&W .... customers don't hear that, they hear and think "free N&W" .. which is not always true.

free long distance = no roaming fees in most customers heads

local plan = they can use the phone in florida with no extra charge in about 70% of New Yorkers heads.



Sep 17, 2004, 11:44 AM
lol i know roamdog, its exactly what you said when they hear "free long distance=no roaming", and that is probably the LARGEST reason that people complain

Sep 17, 2004, 1:05 PM
If customers are so commonly misinterpreting these phrases whose job is it to explained the differents. When you give someone "free LD" why not take the time to explain that it's only from their HCA. I'm not saying that customers have no responsibility when it comes to their service but some customers just don't know enough about cell phones to know what questions to ask. We're here to help and explain these things to customers. not judge them for their mistakes.

Sep 17, 2004, 1:14 PM
can't say it for everyone, but I always did try to explain as much as I could to customers, but frankly they don't want to hear it.
mostly cuz they don't understand, or they do but want to be able to say otherwise and get credit.
the common customer doesn't even listen when you try to explain.
they just want their phone to work flawlessly, everywhere they go, and their bills to be as low as possible.

and thats what I try, I used to tell everyone who called with with mobile assist or the safety package "do you know what it is? or do you use it? cuz most customer don't, and pay for it, I can take it off for you after I explain it"

and sure they're happy to hear it cuz it would lower their bills, but they don't pay any attention to "f...

Sep 17, 2004, 2:27 PM
To be honest with you the majority of customers don't even call care. They pay there invoices and have no problems. Of course when a customer encounters a problem they calls us for help. It's a very small minority that are actually out to get credit. There are a lot of people who will call about there invoice and after giving them a legitimate explanation will say thank you and hang up.

Sep 17, 2004, 2:29 PM
agreed sleekcat

Sep 17, 2004, 2:52 PM
This is goodbye from me. I've been reading this forum for about two years faithfully and never replied. I'm sort of argumentative when I believe something and have decided rather then get involved I'd rather go back to just reading other peoples opinion and keeping mine to myself. Thanks for listening!

Sep 17, 2004, 3:52 PM
um........what? 😕

Sep 17, 2004, 1:15 PM
no one is saying that sleekcat, but there has to be a basic level of understanding, like i said its 50/50, 50% on the rep/sales person to explain it properly and 50% on the customer to understand/ask questions

Sep 17, 2004, 11:25 AM
exactly, but THINKING you understand something and ACTUALLY understanding it are 2 different things, people get frustrated that they did not properly understand or did not properly listen no matter HOW well it was explained to them, and i know your average customer does not do any research before they purchase anything, they just go and buy whatever looks the most shiny, so there is some burden on the public to actually know what they are getting themselves into, its just like w/ total loss and insurance, no one knows thier policy and how vehicle values are calculated and they get mad when they dont get what they want, when that is exactly what they signed up for

Sep 17, 2004, 10:54 AM
i do agree with you, i am not putting the blame solely on one party, like i said, its 50/50

Sep 16, 2004, 8:21 AM
Jdigital, first stop contradicting yourself, your say don't lump together or stereotype all indirect dealers but in the same post you 🙄 🙄 🙄 stereotype against direct dealers and care reps, not to meantion if you know so much about attws you would realize indirect dealers should never speak with cust care unless on behalf of a customer who is right in the store with them. All indirect dealers go through distribution services. I have had my share of bad experiences with indirect dealers, direct dealers and other care reps but it all comes down to there are good and there are bad and I'm willing to help anyone; customer, dealer or other rep as long as they treat me as an individual and realize that I will do my best for them r...

Sep 16, 2004, 12:41 PM
Yes, thank you very much, I do know that dealers never speak with cusomer care. The fact is, DSG is referred to as "customer care for dealers". I also base my opinions on the horror stories I hear from customers who try to call regular customer care and who have been in to the direct store with reasonable questions or problems and gotten no help. Maybe you didn't read my later post, either. First of all, I WAS making a generalization, which is perfectly acceptable when you are talking about a single corporation such as AWS. I know that as a general rule, carriers have more problems with indirects also. Moobak was slamming me personally simply because I'm indirect, and I didn't personally attack anyone except the guy who was so happy th...

Sep 16, 2004, 1:24 PM
What you may have missed is that I am the one you called lazy and I understand my original post may have came across as lazy but all I was trying to say is that when you get stuck in traffic, run out of gas, etc.(in general just having a bad day) it's a relief to know that when you get a to work you aren't going to get grief from a supervisor, your stats go down and if it happens a lot it can effect your raise or the shift you end up on or even result in dismissal. Basically I'm not lazy and didn't mean to come off that way, I was just trying to imply I liked a laid back work atmosphere.

Sep 16, 2004, 3:11 PM
Well thank you for clarifying. I'm sorry if I was harsh, but my frustration with AWS makes me a little grouchy about this stuff.

Sep 17, 2004, 7:20 AM
I've worked for both ATTWS and Cingular and I think it's unfair to wish one or the other out of a job. I understand encounters with Customer Care can sometimes be an unplesant experience especially when the circumstance does not yeild a favorable solution, but each company has both good and bad representatives so remember that when you jump the gun and think by doing away with reps it will solve service issues

Sep 17, 2004, 8:01 AM
the same goes for any company, in my eyes there is a 50/50 accountability, 50% on the company and 50% on the customer for understanding, etc

Sep 17, 2004, 8:12 AM
to build on that, if there is a misunderstanding on one part, it is the responsibility of that party to gain some understanding, and i believe this is where the frustration lies, typically when people do not understand something they get frustrated, thats just human nature

Sep 16, 2004, 8:09 AM
Unforunately I was off the last two days and choose not to monitor this site at home so this is in response to a message that was posted on Monday at 4:54. I believe you misunderstood my posting. I was not trying to say I was always late or alsways taking long breaks. What I meant is I appreciate the fact that I treated like an adult and not constantly monitored and believe that they do delegate authority which is very important to me because I hate having someone on my back all the time. Not to meantion I was also refering to all the spoiled brats who wouldn't know hard work if it hit them in the head because this job has good benefits, good pay and all we have to do is help people and that shouldn't be hard if your a good pers...
Purple Skunk

Sep 16, 2004, 8:13 AM
Well I think we can all agree that all dealers (direct or indirect) are terrible and all customer care reps are terrible. Everyone sucks at everything. We're all terrible people.

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