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Carrier Website vs. The Other Guys


Mar 28, 2004, 2:51 PM
Hi all, I'm new to this wireless game, and I'd like some feedback. I'm wondering what the advantage is to using a "authorized (name your carrier) dealer" such as the companies who are advertising on this site (Wirefly, A-1 Wireless, LetsTalk.com, even Amazon.com) over just going to the carrier's website for deals.

Example, would there be a better deal to be had with these advertisers than there would be at T-Mobile's website? And if I don't go through T-Mobile and use, say, SimplyWireless.com, I'm thinking there has to be a surcharge of some kind on the services or the products or else they wouldn't profit from carrying them. Am I right?

I guess I'm looking for testimony from people who have either bought their services/phones from eit...

Mar 28, 2004, 3:12 PM
Basically, if you go to the carrier website or corporate store, you're dealing at first hand with your carrier. Your phone deal is cut and dried and there are few surprises, but the phone will probably cost more. On the up side, you're probably getting a more knowledgeable sales rep and less likelihood of misinformation or mistakes in your account setup. Going through an authorized dealer means you're dealing with your carrier at second hand, and you have a separate relationship and set of obligations to your activating dealer. In order to receive the great deal on a phone, you might be agreeing to a 72 hour buyer's remorse period rather than 14 days for TMobile, you might have to agree to a separate early termination fee to be paid to t...

Mar 28, 2004, 7:08 PM
Final thing to consider is if you buy from Amazon or whoever else and its a lemon right out of the box you have to mail it back to them THEN they will mail you another phone. Where the dealer will exchange it for you in the store with 14 days.

Sep 5, 2004, 8:37 PM
Thanks for the advice! 🙂

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