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Attention Cingular reps: Thoughts on WLNP?


May 11, 2004, 2:04 AM
My market will have the ability to port numbers beginning the 24th of this month. For those of you in larger markets that have been doing this since November, do you have any words of advice or comments? We have training at the RSO here in Lubbock on Wednesday. I look forward to all of those new activations!!! Thanks for your input!

May 11, 2004, 7:56 AM
Iselltheshitoutofphones said:
My market will have the ability to port numbers beginning the 24th of this month. For those of you in larger markets that have been doing this since November, do you have any words of advice or comments? We have training at the RSO here in Lubbock on Wednesday. I look forward to all of those new activations!!! Thanks for your input!

hi this is marcus from cingular customer care great lakes region. You guys are so lucky that most carriers have thier issues worked out. Mainly Sprint and attws have pretty much worked out their issues with multiple line porting. And Verizon and cingular have worked out their translation issues. You guys should be fine. We in the larger markets have ...

May 11, 2004, 10:14 AM
remember that for sprint ports, you need the customer's sprint account number to complete the port. this has been a relatively recent change with them, as i used to be able to port from them without it.

otherwise, around 95% of my ports get "concurrence" within about 1-5 minutes

(concurrence being when you can activate the number without having to assign a temporary cingular number)

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