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Why hasn't Cingular responded to Vz's claim on network reliability?


Apr 5, 2007, 12:03 AM
1- Cingular has more towers than them and I hear it from people that there is no difference on the two anymore. As usual there are areas where one is better than the other and vice versa...
2- Network integration was completed more than six months ago...
3- Doesn't fewer dropped calls mean better network?

Just pointing this out over here... I'm sick of seeing on TV those commercials about how Verizon has a "more reliable" network when I know for sure than in my market they don't! TDMA was recently shut down and I guess those towers were converted to GSM cuz my reception got ever better than it was last year... I have full bars throughout my city... I mean FULL bars.... The lower my phone gets is 2-3 bars and this is in a friends apartme...

Apr 5, 2007, 12:12 AM
We don't have to. The service speaks for itself.

Apr 5, 2007, 12:20 AM
I know that. But why not start bragging about it too? Cingular has plenty of reasons for it... After being wrongfully ranked at the bottom by Consumer Reports and others for so long.... I think is time for Cingular to start doing something about it... Maybe it's the whole re-branding thing... I think that this will prolly start right after they really become ATT... What do you think?

Apr 5, 2007, 12:23 AM
Wasted money. They are already pushing 'the new AT&T'. Ranked at the bottom but who cares, we're still the best. It may, but don't be surprised if Cingular lets it go. I mean, look at the response to Alltels lies, none. By any company.

Apr 6, 2007, 2:46 PM
Here is the thing. I worked there for 7 years, and there are strong and weak points in Cingular/at&t. The "Fewest Dropped Calls" slogan does not mean most reliable. What it means is that when you connect your calls- Cingular drops you off the network the least. Where as reliable would be connecting in more areas. I have both (and I know this is the wrong forum to do this in) and I believe that Verizon is stronger- I keep my Cingular basically because when I was working for them I locked all my friends and family in and everything is mobile to mobile for me. The thing is that each company has it's strong and weak point- so they cancel each other out- or a better way to put it is that they compliment each other.

Apr 14, 2007, 11:33 AM
I don't think that is correct. Here in the Pacific Northwest, especially in the more rural markets it is difficult to sell Cingular against Verizon. Verizon drops way more calls, has less coverage and poor quality phones that may or may not last until the end of the contract. But Verizon has no blocked calls (network busy) and no network noise.

Also Verizon is much better at marketing than any other carrier. People remember the "can you hear me now?" thing. It was brilliant and it told a way more compelling story than the Cingular dropped call commercials which are also brilliant.

If you are going to unseat the perceived network champ (their network actually rates 4th in quality) then you need to poke holes in their story while telli...

Apr 5, 2007, 1:58 AM
I wonder that same thing too. I think Cingular is waiting to either become 100% ATT, or have the TDMA network completely shut down in order to start making these claims. I really don't know what they are planning on doing with those towers. If they convert them to GSM their network will be the best in the country. But again, I don't know if that's what they're planning to do. I wish they could make that clear for us. As for reliability, customers know it. They have noticed the improvements just like the competitors.
Just like I have said before, industry analysts expected Verizon to be back at #1 by the end of 2006, but it didn't happen. I honestly think that the only way they could surpass Cingular in customer base is by buying Alltel. Wi...

Apr 5, 2007, 12:03 PM
a lot of the TDMA networks share towers that are already GSM, i'd look for them to use that space to enhance the 3G development...

Apr 5, 2007, 9:02 PM
jjgreene said:
i'd look for them to use that space to enhance the 3G development...

That's exactly my point. No-one seems to know what exactly they're planning to do with the TDMA spectrum... Will it be converted to GSM or UMTS?
Convert them to UMTS makes a lot of sense. But how come Cingular hasn't commented on this yet?

Apr 8, 2007, 4:32 PM
Anxiovert said:
jjgreene said:
i'd look for them to use that space to enhance the 3G development...

That's exactly my point. No-one seems to know what exactly they're planning to do with the TDMA spectrum... Will it be converted to GSM or UMTS?
Convert them to UMTS makes a lot of sense. But how come Cingular hasn't commented on this yet?

they have said what they are going to do, but it is different in each market. once tdma is shut down completely they have to look at spectrum and frequency in all areas. they want 850 for data and 1900 for voice, but 850 isn't everywhere and 1900 isn't everywhere. they also want more customers on umts so they can use what spectrum they d...
gizzo fizzone

Apr 5, 2007, 12:08 PM
Verizon brags about it more because of because they have been ranked by a few companies that are well known to the public, Namely jd powers and consumer reports. Cingulars claims also came from a third party company but it was by teliphia i beleive. Its not as well known to the public and there claim was dropped calls. Overall network reliability takes more factors into consideration. For example:

1. frequency of outages that affect calls being placed.

2. network overload

3. coverage

4. call connect ratio

5. call quality

among many other things.

Cingulars claims were dropped calls but that claim has a lot of gray area as people dont take into consideration of the other factors. In order for a call to drop it has to actua...

Apr 5, 2007, 12:19 PM
Who cares about call clarity. The only thing people do these days is text anyways
gizzo fizzone

Apr 5, 2007, 7:36 PM

Apr 7, 2007, 12:16 AM
WTF? Even thought texting is picking up. Still the main thing for ALL carriers right now (April 2007) is voice. Once data start picking up (meaning more and more people using BB, Treos and the like) you'll start seeing a drop in data prices (plans)

SIDE NOTE: Can we kill that "Is this what Cingular is like for civilians" thread? I swear for my unborn children that if I see it again I'll shot myself!

Apr 7, 2007, 9:31 PM
BeachSlapped said:
SIDE NOTE: Can we kill that "Is this what Cingular is like for civilians" thread? I swear for my unborn children that if I see it again I'll shot myself!

Amen dude. That thing is just a monster. I stopped paying attention to that thing after it reached around 100 posts, now it takes half the length of the first forum page.

Apr 7, 2007, 9:43 PM
🤣 🤣 🤣

You called her a dude! 🤣

I completely understand what you mean thou. It pisses me off when I try to check the room from my phone and that thread is at the top of the list... (I don't have an unlimited data package) 😡 😡 😡

Apr 10, 2007, 4:43 AM
the_eraser said:
🤣 🤣 🤣

You called her a dude! 🤣

I didn't think females actually came to phonescoop. I should have been picking up chicks here long ago.

Apr 10, 2007, 10:19 AM
AshDizzle said:

I didn't think females actually came to phonescoop. I should have been picking up chicks here long ago.

Why wouldn't females come to phonescoop? Are you saying that females are too dumb to know or care about technology? 🤨

Apr 7, 2007, 9:10 PM
Hey, Guys. Please take what I say with a grain of salt because every network has their pros & cons & great coverage locations & vice versa.

I live in the Bay Area (San Francsico). I had VZW for almost 3 years with terrible phones (Treos) and NEVER had an issue. I recently switched to Cing about 2 weeks ago and I must say - I'm confused as to how they can even stay in biz. If I added up all of the times I've asked "what?" "huh?" I would probably have a full months worth of min to use. It is amazing to me because I'll have 5 full bars that never fluctuate and sure enough - same deal. Cing's California's network has always been in question, but seriously something needs to be done.

I know you're wondering - I switched because my ...

Apr 7, 2007, 9:29 PM
gbr1ryder said:
Even though VZW is receiving more hip and cool phones, GSM phones are still the best.

Are you serious?

Apr 7, 2007, 9:36 PM
I don't know which part you meant?

Vz is indeed getting some cool phones...
😕 (and/or)
I think he meant GSM phones as a whole, not just Cingular.

Apr 7, 2007, 9:34 PM
You forgot to mention two things:

-What type of phone are you using?
-Does your fiancee have the same problems?

I do understand that some carriers have weak areas. I recently had the worst experience with Cingular in Panama City Fl. I couldn't believe how bad it was... As for San Francisco, I'm like 😳 because I thought that was one of our strongest areas since it was one of the (if not the first one) to be integrated...

Apr 9, 2007, 11:55 PM
Hey eraser. Thanks for replying. To answer your questions: I have a BB Pearl and yes my fiancee has the same issues as I but she doesn't really notice/care (fiancee BB 8700). Not as into coverage as me.

You would think that being in San Francisco we would have off the charts great coverage. Yes, you do get signal everywhere, (so here's where I probably didn't clarify) but the QUALITY of the signal is poor. Like I mentioned before if you have 2 bars you might as well hang up and try again. The connection is so choppy and is extremely annoying. I thought at first it was a GSM thing because VZW & Sprint do not have this issue, but T-Mobile is clear as well.

It's no secret that Cingular's network is not quality in CA. Could it be...

Apr 13, 2007, 7:35 PM
I think Cingular is trying to push against Sprint instead of Verizon. It is smart to pick on the weaker link.

Apr 14, 2007, 7:50 PM
plus sprint has been picking on them

Apr 14, 2007, 8:21 PM
Sprint has been making misleading claims. I personally do not believe Verizon's claim of network quality is misleading. They DO have an excellent network in most areas.

Apr 14, 2007, 8:57 PM
The difference btwn Verizon's network and Cingular's network used to be very substantial. Cingular has done extremely well in building up their network (including the integration of att wireless towers after the merger) and has spent more money than any other company on their network. That being said, even with Cingular's larger number of towers and the studies showing Cingular has fewer dropped calls, I don't think the difference is stark enough to really declare Cingular's or Verizon's claims false. Anyone can twist data to show that one side is better than the other, but the fact is that overall both networks are probably pretty close to the same. Each carrier has their areas/regions of strengths and weaknesses, but looking at the big pic...

May 4, 2007, 1:35 AM
BeachSlapped said:
1- Cingular has more towers than them and I hear it from people that there is no difference on the two anymore. As usual there are areas where one is better than the other and vice versa...
2- Network integration was completed more than six months ago...
3- Doesn't fewer dropped calls mean better network?

1. Cingular needs more towers to handle the same number of customers...
2. so?
3. no, it doesnt. If you cant make a call or cant obtain a useable call it doesnt matter if your call drops.

The reason cingular hasnt responded, is because they have nothing to respond with. VZW makes public that they test their network constantly. What does cingular do?

also, that fewest droped ...

May 4, 2007, 12:21 PM
primus said:
BeachSlapped said:
1- Cingular has more towers than them and I hear it from people that there is no difference on the two anymore. As usual there are areas where one is better than the other and vice versa...
2- Network integration was completed more than six months ago...
3- Doesn't fewer dropped calls mean better network?

1. Cingular needs more towers to handle the same number of customers...
2. so?
3. no, it doesnt. If you cant make a call or cant obtain a useable call it doesnt matter if your call drops.

The reason cingular hasnt responded, is because they have nothing to respond with. VZW makes public that they test their network constantly. What does cingular

May 4, 2007, 10:24 AM
Because less calls are dropped on Verizon than Cingular. I know, because I've used both.

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