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Mar 1, 2004, 10:34 PM
Is AT&T worth switching to. I currently live in the Metro Detroit area. My service is with Verizon Wireless. Verizon has pretty decent coverage in my area, but I'm not impressed with their selection of phones. I was interested in purchasing the V600 from AT&T (that's a whole story in itself) and I was wondering how good GSM coverage is in my area. If there's anyone out there that has any info, please let me know. Thanks.

Mar 2, 2004, 12:49 AM
hi I am a rep for Cingular wireless. We have pretty good GSM coverage in the state of michigan. Especailly in Detroit.Cingular is currently testing the V600. Rollover is quite nice check out cingular.com
Big Daddy

Mar 2, 2004, 1:40 AM
hey cingular stay out of our forum. 😈 . The cust did not ask about cingular service, it asked about ATTWS.

Mar 2, 2004, 1:43 AM
I have to agree, while i don't mind people mentioning other services or the quality of them, promoting "cingular.com" and "rollover is nice" is pretty much ****. People want information, not advertising junk on these forums.

Mar 2, 2004, 1:53 AM
Thanks for having my back!!!

Mar 2, 2004, 7:31 AM
You all will be cingular customwers anyway stop fighting it stop fighting it ha ha. I was just giving some information on your new service provider thats all. It's just the truth that cingular has more coverage in the Detorit area than AT&T. Just like there are some areas where AT&T has more coverage just a fact. Promoting cingular.com I aam sorry about that that was a bit much. He will pick up cingular in Detroit anyway.

Mar 3, 2004, 6:53 PM
Cingular owns less coverage in Metro Detroit. *MOST* of their coverage is based on roaming agreements.

For example:
Up North is NPI Wireless.
Around Saginaw is ATTWS.
Lansing to GR is ATTWS.
Most of Western Mich is T-Mobile.

So no, they don't have "more" ... their plan offers coverage in as much areas as AWS and T-Mobile's plan... it's called ROAMING AGREEMENTS.

The true difference is in Metro Detroit and other areas of overlap. For example, in Detroit itself all 3 carriers have their towers. So roaming agreements don't exist there. You're service is based upon how well they built out their network, and last I checked Cingular wasn't awed by many for their great network buildout.

As an employee of Cingular you sure do ...

Mar 2, 2004, 1:41 AM
I can vouche for most of the areas of metro detroit. I don't use my phone in the Flint area that much, though when I do go there it works fine. Been to GR a couple of times, works nice. Downriver is fine.

I think the only issue with (any GSM) is that I-94 isn't covered completely from Detroit to Chicago, there are some holes still... but compared to what it was like when it first came out is a big big improvement. It's ALMOST done.

I have been using a Nokia 6200 as of late (love speakerphone now!)... but my main man phone for reception is the Nokia 6310i (unfortunately it's discontinued). I can't say how well the Motos on GSM will hold up because quite frankly I didn't like the T720 and ever since I don't bother with Motorola phones. M...

Mar 2, 2004, 2:02 AM
Thanks. That is definitly good information to know. The V600 (if it ever comes out 😕) operates on GSM 800, 900 and two others (quad band?). The only problem I've heard anyone experience with a GSM phone is a friend of mine with T-MOBILE. She has a T720(ish) phone and she constantly drops calls in her home. Ironically it's her only phone so when she's at home she's screwed. Everywhere else it works fine. Have you experienced this in any areas with AT&T ?
Also, the main reason I'm thinking about swithching to AT&T is that it looks like they recently expanded their GSM coverage. I'm curious how good it is when you go farther north...say...past the Flint area...Saginaw, Mt. Pleasant. Thanks for your help.

Mar 3, 2004, 6:43 PM
Haven't gone past Flint, thought they did build up past it. Up north is NPI Wireless so it doesn't matter who you choose (ATT, Cingular, T-Mobile) because they're all essentially roaming onto their towers (whether or not your plan includes charges on roaming is a different story).

I know there are pockets where AWS doesn't work in Metro Detroit but I really haven't experienced any off-hand. Though, I do hear that up north is terrible for phones in general (Clarkston, Aub Hills, Romeo, Ortonville, and so on).

Havne't used my GSM phone in Mt. Pleasent (only used my old TDMA phone), but I don't think there's really any problems there since my friend uses it.

T-Mobile, IMO, stinks because even in rich cities such as Troy it was having i...

Mar 2, 2004, 12:23 PM
I say take advantage of the 30 day return policy. Start up, pay for the days u got it. Thats it. Granted yes we dont have the V600 but at least you'll be able to take it on your day to day life.

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