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Latest on buyout


Feb 11, 2004, 5:51 PM
Someone in the know, what is the latest info on the buyout of ATTWS?

Also, what will happen to the phones? (i.e. will Cingular "unlock" the phones to see their towers if they buy ATTWS?

Feb 12, 2004, 3:20 PM
😳 First it may not be Cingular they are just one of four or five bidders that have to have there bids put in by Feb 12, 2004. Also who ever takes over it would likely 1-3 year before customers would see a change.

Feb 12, 2004, 5:59 PM
Bids are due by 5pm EST, on Friday, Feb. 13th.

DoCoMo and T-Mobile have already announced that they are not looking to bid. Of course that could change at any time.

My guess is that it still will be Cingular, but Vodofone would be very nice.

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