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Sprint service issues


Jan 22, 2005, 6:30 PM
Recently went to Chicago with a Sanyo 8200, I live in NE Ohio. While there w/ full signal strength, I could not make a call, and all calls to me went right to voicemail. Once I got back in Ohio the phone started working great again.

After talking to a rep at the sprint store and being told if that happens just take it into a sprint store and have the phone flashed for the new area (which i did not like this answer at all) I thought the problem could have been that the phone was on automatic and not sprint only.

My actual sprint indirect rep had no idea what the problem was either. As i dont travel much, i was wondering if anybody could help me with any ideas on what could have been the problem. Thanx.

Jan 23, 2005, 12:46 AM
are you driveing or flying? i hear this problem a lit with people flying. what happends is say for example you are in NY and you board a flight and 4 hours latter you are in LA. you have travel there so fast the sprint network have not quite cought upto you. you phone will make a call out because the phone is working but any one who calls you it will go right to voice mail because the network is still trying to look for you in NY. the way to solve this is once you get to your destination pull your battery off for 1 min then place it back on and your phone will resync to the network in the new city.

Jan 23, 2005, 10:22 AM
i drove there, but the same thing could have happened. thanx steve. i will try using sprint only and resetting the phone with the battery next time something like this happens.
Chris Russell

Jan 26, 2005, 12:30 PM
The flying bit is balderdash. I fly and drive all over the country and my Nokia 3588i has never failed to find a signal that is immediately usable as soon as I turn it on. To do that, you must always have the latest PRL before you travel-easily available through *2 (admittedly not as easy as Verizon). Even if the phone is on Automatic, it will have the latest usable cell IDs for all SPCS and roaming partners.

Jan 26, 2005, 11:48 PM
yes i am sorry you must know much more then me after all you have traveled every place in the entire world. i mean what would i know i only help maybe 200-300 customers in a week. and i see this problem once a month. soooo 1 customer out of 1200 that i help in one month has this problem..... but oyu are right you know sooooo much more then i do 🙄

ps when i get feed back from the customer that always fixes there problem

Jan 27, 2005, 9:19 PM
you guys are both right. most of the time the phones sync up as you are traveling. but it does occur where the phone does not update and you have to power it off. it helps to take the battery off. i have never needed to take the battery off as a result of this.
Chris Russell

Jan 30, 2005, 3:09 PM
If you learned how to spell better and had better grammar, you might have a greater impact with your information. All I did was recount my experience with my Nokia 3588i. You even admit this problem only occurs 1 out 1200 calls, so it's not a big deal (and probably occurs in those wonderful Sanyo and Samsung cheesy Vision flip-phones 😉 )

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