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Nights and weekends starting at 5 pm


Nov 26, 2004, 7:42 AM
Does anyone have any information about if and when sprint is going to offer this to all markets? I know for a fact that this is being tested in Markets such as NC and SC and some parts of GA and AZ.

Nov 26, 2004, 11:14 PM
It will be rolled out shortly, Im sure....Sprint is going to do everything possible to not "hurry up and fold"

Dec 10, 2004, 4:02 PM
hurry up and fold...pfft. From what I hear Sprint is doing just fine.

Jan 30, 2005, 1:58 PM
with the merger of Sprint and Nextel, there annual revenue is that of Cingular and Verizon wireless divisions combined. Sprint has more MVNO's than they know what to do with, and that generates nothing but cash.

Nov 28, 2004, 6:09 PM
I've seen it a very few times in GA usually on accounts with AA credit rating.

Jan 30, 2005, 1:28 AM
I heard its available in select markets. Anyone know of a website to check availability

Jan 30, 2005, 2:57 PM
it is one of the affiliate markets. airgate pcs i think not sure on that air gate thing thought but i know it is one of the affiliate markets
Chris Russell

Jan 30, 2005, 3:33 PM
It must be an in-store special as I just checked Airgate's markets (which cover parts of NC, SC, GA) online and they have the same 7pm option as company markets near these locations. The same thing shows up for Alimosa's markets in AZ. It doesn't make sense for a 5pm start for 'Night' minutes as it's still afternoon.

Feb 19, 2005, 8:44 PM
Not in Alamosa Oregon either.
It may be something they are looking at and so they are trying it in some markets to see if it has a negatve impact on revenue.

Feb 1, 2005, 7:41 PM
I'm hearing lately from customer service reps in bristol possible talk of moving nights at 5pm national. This will be a HUGE draw from other carriers!!! Heck ya! RIDE THE WAVE!

Feb 2, 2005, 2:10 PM
I work in the Raleigh, NC Market area but I get a lot of customers from the Greenville Market (Airgate) and I've activated a few since Christmas on the 5pm N/W's and they love it. I didn't even think about it but I signed up with Sprint in early January and I actually live in the airgate market but I work in Raleigh, so I requested a Raleigh number. I didn't get the option for the 5pm Nights and weekends ☹️

Feb 17, 2005, 10:18 AM
Are there any updates on the 5:00 nights? I've also heard it's being tested in select markets from a friend of mine who is a supervisor at a call center.

Anyone have any updates?

Feb 19, 2005, 8:09 PM
Sprint will go broke, not to mention there is no coverage

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