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Verizon Wireless Faces Class Action Suit Over Data Fees

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David Pogue called VZW's BS.


Feb 26, 2010, 2:34 PM
Is there any doubt Verizon Wireless is the worst provider in the country? They not only get called on these $2.00 charges, but then DENY it only to have the New York Times columnist call them on it.

Feb 26, 2010, 3:01 PM
VZW is not the worst provider in the country by any means. The NYT is like any other media format, they fabricate stories to their objective. While they may not have created this story, I imagine the real story is much different than what the media is stating. I've tested this "homepage theory" and VZW is right. You do not get charged if you don't leave the main page. Test it for yourself. People always make up bullshit to try and steal money from the rich because their own life is pitiful. It's like the lady that tried to sue Wendy's for having a severed finger in her chili only to find out it was planted by the lady herself.

Feb 26, 2010, 3:06 PM
I bet I can guess where you work and what political affiliation you are!

Feb 26, 2010, 3:11 PM
I bet you can't. From your statement you are most likely left-wing and probably work a blue-collar job. I am neither of what you believe I am. In fact, you have probably never heard of my affiliation before because liberals such as yourself are too ignorant to learn about things other than what the television and local newspapers feed you. Am I warm?

Feb 26, 2010, 3:24 PM
Nope...I have no political affiliation. I've voted for both parties based on the candidate and their platform. I am College educated and graduated at the top of my class with an overall GPA of 3.9 from a Big Ten University. I worked blue full time while putting myself thru college and raising 3 kids. I make sure i educate myself before I make retarded statements about the grand left-winged conspiracy of the press that fabricates everything to sell. I leave that to the paranoid right crybabies like Beck, Limbaugh, and O'reilly! And of course you! Muah! a kiss for your time! 😲

Feb 26, 2010, 3:58 PM
Quite a typical response you have there, and highly fabricated sounding. Going to school while raising 3 kids (probably not the same mother/father, right?) working a blue-collar job (what, fast-food, right?). Oh, and how is attending a Big 10 University have any merit on your intelligence? All it means is you are a college football fanatic from good ol' Michigan State...woohoo. There is more to life than sports you know.

It's actually funny that you say the "grand left-winged conspiracy" since it's the left-wing that blames the economy on Bush (actually documented and dated to have started with Clinton and further), says 9/11 was all just a setup for oil, and that the polar bears are suffering from ice shortages in the arctic due to Globa...

Feb 26, 2010, 4:18 PM
With the fabrication still huh? All right crazy guy! And yes all of my children are with the same woman! And yes they only have one father! And actually, Michigan and Ohio State are the football schools in the Big Ten, Michigan State is known for their basketball prowess! And not the fact that I attended college while working full time and raising three children, I also attained a 3.9 GPA while doing all of this! What have you accomplished under any hard circumstances? Did mommy and daddy pay for your car and schooling? Did you throw a fit when it wasn't the BMW, but only Lexus?

And with your documents, as far as your conspiracy theory, re min you before Clinton there was Reagan twice, then GHWB, and after Clinton, GWB for two more terms?...

Feb 26, 2010, 4:27 PM
Lol...you still can't put to words what party I am because you are too ignorant to know anything outside of left, right and green. You know that if you put a label to my affiliation it will make you look like the idiot I've pointed out because you would then be wrong in your uneducated assumption of political affiliations. Guess I have you in a pickle with your credentials. Good job putting your new president in office, btw. He has done less in his first term than any of the other president's in history. Great "change" there, let me tell you. Our debt has increased by trillions, unemployment is still skyrocketing, health care is still in the ****s, and illegals are still openly hopping our borders and further destroying our economy. Over a y...

Feb 26, 2010, 4:41 PM
And the award for Hate Monger of the year goes to.... Congrats Trenen! Way to keep this a wireless forum....

Feb 26, 2010, 4:50 PM
Wow. Y'all are in rare form today! 😉

Feb 26, 2010, 5:42 PM
Yes, its awesome. Two grown men yelling over who went to what school and who's political affiliation is better. All this because someone says that Verizon charges to access the home page of their web portal. I wonder if they would act like this if it were face-to-face. Does the Interwebz really foster people being, well, douches?

Feb 26, 2010, 6:19 PM
Yes. Obviously look at Trenen's and my conversation. I just mostly like to break balls and start stuff. I like to see people's reactions. And face-to-face, i probably would just because. No hard feelings here, just having a little fun at work.

Feb 26, 2010, 6:24 PM
yeah, im pretty bored at work too 😎

Feb 26, 2010, 6:26 PM
No hard feelings at all. i do stand behind what i say and feel, but a lot of it was just ball-breaking! I hate you not buddy! 😁

Feb 26, 2010, 6:39 PM
nah I know. I'm just in one of those asshole "friday" moods. We're cool 😁

Feb 27, 2010, 1:39 PM
Aw, this is so sweet! Lol. I gotta say, and please don't take this the wrong way, this is the first time I've stopped an argument by saying people were douches! good stuff.

Feb 27, 2010, 1:50 PM
In the words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along"?

Feb 27, 2010, 1:54 PM
No. No we can't.

Feb 26, 2010, 5:07 PM
Yay...I get to pull a left-wing move and say "Megatron started it." At least I earned by reward! 🙂

Feb 26, 2010, 5:27 PM
I called it from jump! I guess Forrest if i don't actually say it, then you won't understand. Let me slow it down for you. Right-wing, Beck, Limbaugh, Cheney, O'rielly, etc all imply you are a Republican! And if you tried to say other you are a liar! I'm in no pickle sir. I've actually said it all a long, you were just too slow to actually get it.

And the one of the main reasons, you say again without proof of MY President, has accomplished so little is because YOUR right-wing guys are too busy bowing to their corporate sponsorships and filibuster any attempt to try to bring our great country back from the Bush-ages, (that was sarcasm for dark ages if you missed it).

Oh, and is it only MY President because i voted for him? Last I kne...

Feb 26, 2010, 5:45 PM
Wrong party. I told you that you were wrong, so now you look like a complete douche because you don't know anything past left,right, and green. Look up (something you apparently skipped out of doing while achieving your holy 3.9 gpa at "The Top 10 University" of Michigan State) Libertarianism.

Oh, and what's this about bowing to corporate sponsorships? Who just gave billions to the credit companies? Billions to the automotive companies? Nothing to Americans?

Feb 26, 2010, 6:16 PM
If they are giving nothing to Americans, what the heck are you complaining about in some of your other post about illegals, etc, etc. You are a walking, typing, contradiction. And I wasn't wrong, you are lying because you can't stand the fact that I am right (no pun intended, but it would be funny). Hey don't worry buddy, I'm just smarter then you. I'm sure you are good at lots of other things like WOW, and D&G. I bet you could beat me at a game of quidich!

Feb 26, 2010, 6:33 PM
They are giving nothing to Americans. Permitting illegals? Taking jobs away. Giving billions to automotive and credit companies? Giving us nothing and taking more money through more taxes and higher oil prices. The gas is once again heading up to $3/gallon in some states and expected to be the average by the time summer roles around. Quite a hike from the cut the previous administration gave us when prices were back down to $1.80 or less in 2008. The new administration gets in office and suddenly gas is going up, food prices are inflating, and the national debt is trillions more than it was a year earlier. Latest tidbit is the budget cut the administration gave to to our space program that is about to result in a job loss over over 120,000 A...

Mar 2, 2010, 9:42 AM
Hey Trenen you are arguing with a guy who's name is Megatron, thats is the dead giveaway right there. A fictional robot character who is hell bent on destroying earth!

Feb 26, 2010, 4:32 PM

Feb 26, 2010, 5:43 PM
I love people who call climate change a fabrication...a disillusion. Climate change is absolutely happening. Its something you can actually see happening. I love when a bunch of suits in government with absolutely no scientific knowledge like to argue and say that the geologists and other scientists in this world are all wrong. I suppose the fact that its been snowing in North Carolina all winter is absolutely normal. Oh, and the earth being round...thats a fabrication too. Get your head out of the bible and face the truth. F the religious god fearing right wing a-holes and the white trash of this country that voted for Bush. F you right in the A.

Feb 26, 2010, 6:01 PM
You're right, the climate does change and is changing. However, Climate Change is a political term and movement that is completely fabricated for the purpose of making THE WORLD pay more taxes to big government. Carbon Credits? Carbon Tax? Cap and Trade? Ever hear of these? We do like to argue about the whole thing...but so do over 30,000 scientists that have debunked man-made Climate Change as truth. Get YOUR head of your ass and educated yourself before trashing the educated. More scientists would openly debunk MMGC as well if they didn't have to worry about their government grants being pulled. Quick fact - volcanoes release billions of pounds more carbon dioxide into the Earth every year than all the people, vehicles, and factories in th...

Mar 1, 2010, 7:11 PM
verizon wireless is the worst cell company out there!! why not change the name to the fourth reich or bend over so we can shove our fist up your a** for our fees!!

Feb 26, 2010, 4:13 PM
Vzn is running their company as if nobody is a threat to them. They need more competion.

As much progress as Tmo has made with 3 Android devices + these unlimited plans they STILL only have 34m customers.

I just feel Vzn needs more competion.

Feb 26, 2010, 5:44 PM
The competition is there, they are just not as good at telling their story as Verizon. Verizon's commercials contain what would be called unsubstantiated claims in court, but in the marketing world truth is not as valuable as being really convincing.

Now someone is going to throw out JD Power Awards (opinion) and Consumer Reports (hasn't done a network study in years) to validate Verizon's claims.

The reality is that AT&T has way more towers than Verizon, Sprint's 3G data network is more reliable and T-Mobile was first with a 'Droid phone.

If the rest of the industry invested as much in telling their story and did it as well, Verizon would not look so good to the consuming public. But the reality is that no one does it as well and ...

Feb 26, 2010, 5:53 PM
Thats an awesome take on the situation. Even if customers of VZW are not necessarily happy with the service, but are content, its a win for Verizon! They aren't mad enough to leave and no other company out there has good enough advertising to entice customers enough to jump-ship from Big Red and try something else. Its win-win! And good for them for being the best at acting like they are as good as they advertise! They're not number one because they are dumb! They are very smart and very good at selling themselves! The other three could learn a lot from VZW just by studying their marketing!

Feb 26, 2010, 6:10 PM
This is something that works in all arenas. The loudest and most often heard voice is the one that dictates the arena's agenda. It creates an assumption whether true or not. AT&T would be in the best position to do this but don't have even a fraction of the creativity that they would need.

We often take Verizon customers to other carriers. None seem to be enthused but feel like Verizon is the only choice. They have made such a huge deal about coverage that people are afraid of having a terrible experience with one of the competitors even though they know they are being overcharged and that their handset is very sub par.
So without an iconic handset Verizon comes out on top.

Feb 26, 2010, 6:13 PM
How are VZW handsets sub-par? Sub-par by your standards, or sub-par by national standards? VZW has many of the same (popular) phones as the competitors. They have the Blackberries and WinMo phones, and now they have Android. On a basic-user level they have several nice touch screen and messaging phones. I would say they WERE sub-par on a national standard a couple years ago, but these days I think they are very competitive. Will they still be sub-par when they get the next gen iPhone on LTE?

Feb 26, 2010, 7:53 PM
Talk to anyone on Verizon and make your own conclusion. I'm on Sprint but I can tell you that everyone I run into on Verizon raves about the coverage and service, they're not so hot on the price but they stay with them because it's just the price to pay. Interesting that you never hear crap about network congestion or hampered performance with smart phone users. I'm interested to see what happens when their version of the Nexus One gets out. I do agree that they need a closer competitor...

Feb 26, 2010, 9:06 PM
Let them put the same amount of data through their network as AT&T is now and you will see the same issues. Verizon does not have nearly as much smartphone penetration as AT&T. Give them the iPhone and their problems would be the same as AT&T's.

My comment was from my experience that most of their customers I run in to are not enthusiastic about what they have but are afraid to go anywhere else because they are convinced that the rest of the industry will absolutely disappoint them. I have been everyone's customer but T-Mobile's and my Verizon experience was only so-so. So far Sprint has been the best followed closely by U.S.Cellular and AT&T.

Mar 2, 2010, 10:10 AM
Had AT&T and had Sprint before jumping to VZW! Let me just say I been on VZW for 3 years have had only 1 dropped call and Never lost service anywhere I have gone. I know some people are like yea right but it's the truth. Do I like paying the $160 a month for a family plan with 3 lines (2 BB's)? No, but is it worth it, Most Definitely

Feb 26, 2010, 8:57 PM
They have had much higher failure rates in the past. Especially in the charging/battery circuits. The EnV has random power cycling problems and let's not even mention the Chocolate's issues or the Droid camera issues

As to whether their handset quality will improve is up to them. If they continue to buy cheap then the problems will continue but is they actually put some value into the user experience of the handset and spend the money then the problems will disappear.

Of all of the carriers phones I have sold none have been as troubled as Verizon's.

Feb 27, 2010, 4:15 PM
Here's a simple example. WEB OS 1.4 came out for my Pre last night on Sprint... VZW?? Still waiting they are slow to move anything and will never admit fault on a handset. My girlfriend has had 3 ENV 3s and every single one turns itself off... I know that things happen sometimes but 3 in a row? VZW has always made their own version of things. Even when its the same phone for another network, VZW's somehow manages to suck.

Mar 4, 2010, 9:50 AM
I gotta correct you on something. Verizon will not be getting the Iphone come 2011. Yes the exclusive contract ends but here are 3 reasons.
1.) Data plan costs 30 dollars a month right? Apple gets half of that. Apples proposal to verizon last month was that they want 30 a month for each phone via data. That would raise Verizon's data plan for it to atleast 45 a month, making at&t more desirable.

2.) Every map comercial shows an Iphone. Verizon slanders the Iphone on nearly EVERY single one. That is a bad business move and if I were Apple I wouldn't want that.

3.) Being involved with Apply causes alot of drama. I personally only get paid half on an Iphone and Apple puts horrible rules and regulations on selling them. There was...

Mar 2, 2010, 8:37 PM
I know it's been talked about before, but how would one account for VZ's industry lowest churn rate. The only recent uptick would have been those migrating to the Iphone and once Verizon introduces the Iphone Lite this summer they will be coming back. It would just seem to me that if the pricing or service were so lousy that a moderately smart adult could pick up and leave at any time.

Feb 26, 2010, 7:27 PM
What you call story & marketing I call brainwashing. Verizon has over 92m+ brainwashed by those "network" advertisements.

Mar 2, 2010, 7:11 PM
Well This 1 out of 92 mil is brainwashed by the fact that my internet has never stalled, my calls have never been lost and i have heard everyone clearly on my big red...on AT&T however service was so bad it wasnt worth paying 20$ for the employee plan cuz i could only use it in a city 40 miles away. In fact when I worked there....we had to go outside to activate peoples phones and even then it failed half the time....sprint on the other hand did work in my area as long as i was on the one major highway that runs through the county....the brainwashing is a fact but another fact is that outside huge metro areas....everyone but big red fails like a special olympian would at the regular olympics, I think ill stay brainwashed 😛

Feb 26, 2010, 7:25 PM
Well... the Blue Dog is on top of things once again. Imagine that. Verizon Wireless denying the charges are valid and then being "called on it" by a journalist. Ok, I'll drink the blue cool-aid: This must make VZW the worst wireless provider. Except... Consumer Reports just ranked them #1. Now who was it again that ranked last in every market they surveyed? I wonder what would happen if I googled: "ATT Class Action Law Suit". 😳

Feb 27, 2010, 4:17 PM
Consumer reports hasn't done a network test in years...
Educate yourself fanboy

Feb 27, 2010, 11:52 PM
Dude. Did you even try to google "consumer reports cell networks"? Educate youself, dunce.

Mar 1, 2010, 4:18 PM
but they cite their sources which is emailed responses from subscribers to whom they have been extolling Verizon and T-Mobile for years.
Even when they did network tests rural service to them was on the interstate between NYC and Albany.
They never really talk about the regional carriers. Some of their "findings" fly in the face of actual network studies done by third party organizations. So who do you believe, consumer reports and their email responses or someone who actually drive tests a network and publishes actual results.
When there is a contradiction between their findings and another testing group ie Mind Wireless, PC Magazine, Telephia, etc. they hunker in their hole and state that they could not get the study. All of t...

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