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Nokia Bulks Up Patent Lawsuit Against Apple

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Dec 16, 2010, 2:41 PM


Nokia and Motorola have been in the wireless game since day one. You mean to tell me that neither one of these companies or any other Manufacturer has filed for patents during this time?

I'm not saying Apple doesn't have some legitimate gripe, but to come Into this industry only 3 years ago and claim rights to all these patents, amazes me. Either Apple is ignorant to patents and technological developments of others, or the other companies were stupid to not patent their developments.

OR, the patent office completely overlooked all these filings.

John B.
Keep in mind Apple pretty much defined mobile computing in the 90's with the Newton failure, which has a lot more in common with a modern cell phone than anything Nokia was producing at the time. The iPhone may be new, but Apple's not some tiny upsta...

Dec 16, 2010, 9:33 AM

Did you know....

Some dumb lady in cali is suing McDonald's because happy meal toys are marketed toward children? Its about time someone who can't say "no not today" hold the company responsible for poor parenting.
That lawsuit all sorts of angers me. Who gives a rats ass if they're marketed towards kids? You're the parent...just say no. Or if it's *that* big of a deal, just pay $1.99 for a freaking happy meal toy and go to Panera or something and give it to the...
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