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RIM Speaks Out on New 'Berrys' Lack of NFC

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Aug 16, 2011, 3:13 PM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated Aug 16, 2011, 3:16 PM

Research In Motion has issued a response concerning support for near-field communications on some of its newest BlackBerries. Materials that became available after Verizon Wireless announced plans to sell the BlackBerry Bold Touch 9930 showed that the 9930 will ship with NFC disabled, even though RIM has built support for NFC into the device. RIM said, "RIM believes that NFC is an exciting technology that will enable many new capabilities, and we are aligning with our partners in supporting the overall NFC ecosystem by investing in NFC in our products. The BlackBerry Bold 9900 series are the first to be NFC ready and we are working closely with carrier partners on their roll out plans for NFC." It may be possible for the feature to be enabled through a carrier-supplied system update, but without carrier support the NFC feature will remain dormant. NFC was touted as one of the 9930's main features, which will enable tap-and-go mobile payments. There are few NFC-enabled mobile payment systems up and running in the U.S. at this time. It's not clear if variants of the 9900/9930 sold by other U.S. network operators will support NFC.

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Aug 16, 2011, 7:59 PM

I blame it on.....

I blame this both on Apple and AT&T. Its their fault because they exist.
I think if someone lives in a good covered Sprint area, can't afford or can't qualify for a contract, this is not really a bad deal.
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