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Nokia Reveals First GSM PTT Phone

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Nov 12, 2003, 8:24 AM   by (staff)

Nokia today announced several new phones for the Americas market, including its first Push-To-Talk (PTT) phone. The new phones include:

Nokia also announced that it plans to introduce a full range of GSM PTT phones in 2004, including Symbian smartphones, and all of its GSM and WCDMA phones will include PTT starting in 2005.



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Nov 12, 2003, 5:21 PM

PTT Coming soon to the US?

with the new PTT phones coming in 1 and 2 quarter, does anyone think that T-mobile/cingular/ATT will be offering PTT early next year?
There is a definite possibilty that it will be available though one if not all three. There is an increasing demand for this feature. I personally find it annoying but others find it useful or "fashionable".
I work for Cingualr, and we are slated to launch PTT feb. of next year.

Nov 12, 2003, 2:58 PM

nokia 7200 clamshell


Anybody know details about this ph and what carriers will use it? It looks great! Also, any idea on pricing?
It will probably be priced in the mid to high range due to its features and that it is a flip!
Since it's 850/1900, my guess would be that ATTWS or Cingular would be carrying it...
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