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U.S. Regulators Looking to Free Up More Spectrum

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Sep 2, 2009, 12:48 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

Reuters is reporting that certain U.S. broadband regulators are considering the possibility of making more wireless spectrum available to wireless service providers such as carriers AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon Wireless. Based on the growing demand for bandwidth and capacity as seen by the uptake of smartphones and their data capabilities, government officials, lobbying organizations and the providers themselves feel access to more spectrum is warranted. Blair Levin, a broadband official at the Federal Communications Commission, recently said, "A key input is spectrum. There is consensus in the record; there is not enough of it. The demand curves from uses like smartphones suggest it's going to increase dramatically, for spectrum." One idea being considered is reclaiming some of the spectrum that is being used by government agencies, such as the Department of Defense.



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Sep 2, 2009, 1:43 PM

what they should do!! free up 2100mzh !

free up 2100mzh!
1 phone, 1 world!
netboy said:
free up 2100mzh!
1 phone, 1 world!

Uh, duh, netboy. That 2100 MHz spectrum is already freed up. It is the downlink of the Advanced Wireless Services (AWS 2100+1700 MHz) spectrum in which T-Mobile USA...

Sep 3, 2009, 2:50 AM

It's All About Money

Really folks. Let's not go crying about where this spectrum is coming from. The point is the Feds are seeking an opportunity to make a bit more cash by auctioning off more spectrum. I think it is a great idea! Hooray for capitalism!

Sep 2, 2009, 3:23 PM

The Department of Defense?

I understand what the problem is and I understand we need to find a solution but, seriously, The Department of Defense?

We are still in the middle of a war are we not? We have been attacked long before 9/11 and 9/11 was a complex reminder of just how unsafe we truly are. America is perhaps at one of its weakest points right now. With troops over seas and our economy still tarnished we are only acting as if everything is OK though it isn't. Now this?

I would rather they took something from NASA! Our defense is flawed now, don't screw it up more.
Could you be more dramatic? The DOD is not going to release spectrum that is vital to national security.

Sep 2, 2009, 1:41 PM

U.S. Regulators Looking to Free Up More Spectrum

should we really take away spectrum from the DOD just so some kid can get his porn faster. Lets be real here most people including me, who use a smart phone really do not have to have one. or a cell phone at all for that matter.

The demand curves from uses like smartphones suggest it's going to increase dramatically, for spectrum." One idea being considered is reclaiming some of the spectrum that is being used by government agencies, such as the Department of Defense.
maybe u still want to live in a cave err ice age!
but we dont!
in time they are going to have to. it is unavoidable. there will be more population, more cell phones. so even if we think its dumb for right now, it will happen... it has to.
Before it should even consider auctioning & licensing any new CMRS spectrum, the FCC should try one of two courses of action:

1) Confiscate much of the unused stores of PCS 1900 MHz & AWS 2100+1700 MHz spectrum that VZW & AT&T are effectively just ...
Oh boy 🙄
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