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Kodiak Integrates Calling, Messaging On Variety of Phones

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Jan 29, 2007, 3:00 PM   by (staff)

Kodiak, the company behind Alltel and Cingular's Push To Talk over Cellular (POC) technology, has announced a new phone application that unifies calling, text and voice messaging. The application, which can run natively on a variety of devices and operating systems, reads the phone's built-in address book and allows you to make calls, send sms or send voice messages all to a single contact or a group. Although it unifies all communications, it uses standard calling and messaging, so users can contact any other person, not just those running a Kodiak client. The client works on most smartphones, as well as many feature phones, and can give users access to certain features similar to those being hailed in Apple's iPhone as well as Microsoft's upcoming Crossbow.

Kodiak Networks »



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Jan 29, 2007, 5:47 PM

SMS, Voice messages, and Calling...

...all at the same time?

Am I missing something here?
ummmmmm.....i'm with you on this one drama....eric or rich, maybe i'm just not getting it, but can you clarify???
Read the full press release. It's not the same as what we have now, and where it's similar, the new software streamlines things to make them faster and more efficient.

It actually looks rather interesting.
Yeah... It sounds like that's exactly what a phone already does... How is this different than storing 5 numbers, an email address and comments until the 250 contact slots already built into my phone?
Not sure I get all of this. Have you seen the Alltel Celltop demo on You Tube or even better at www.mycelltop.com/ The Widget approach to 'Cells' solves a lot of the problems for the average Joe. $10 data plan is pretty cool as well.
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