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Amp'd Purchase Reveals More Plans For Carrier

Article Comments  4  

Aug 15, 2005, 12:55 PM   by (staff)

Amp'd today announced that they bought the development arm of Ninja Mobile. Ninja created the ROPE platform, which is the BREW-based environment that the Amp'd interface is based on. In an attempt to set themselves apart and keep their platform to themselves, Amp'd decided to bring the development team in house. The team will not just be work on the interface but on ROPE-based applications which reveal a few new details about what the MVNO will offer on launch. The Ninja team will be responsible for dating, blogging, multi-player gaming and location based applications.

source: Amp'd Mobile



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Aug 16, 2005, 10:20 AM

In the crosshairs...

Seems to me that Amp'd is going after the 18-24 crowd. Pretty similar to Boost (in demographics, at least).
Not a good idea (to me). It is just like going after the easy girl... sure, put something flashy in front of her eyes and she is all yours... but the problems that could arise to me outweigh the benefits. Std's=teenagers not paying their bills.
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