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Verizon and Sprint Finally Share MMS

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Jul 15, 2005, 5:35 PM   by (staff)

Beginning tomorrow, Sprint and Verizon users will be able to send picture messages directly to each other's handsets. By adding MMS interoperability with Verizon, Sprint users can now share messages with users on all major national carriers. Verizon is just one carrier (T-Mobile) away from complete interoperability, while Sprint now has agreements with every Tier 1 carrier but has yet to share MMS with large regional carriers.

Wireless Week »



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Jul 16, 2005, 7:41 PM


Oh, prepare Joe, friend of Much, user of Sprint...to be inundated with inane, stupid, and sometimes witty MMS.
get a life
.......yeah......maybe .... 😉
get 58 lifes!!!

Jul 18, 2005, 8:16 AM

News brief says Sprint users can now share messages with users on all major national carriers?

How about Cingular? Is Cingular not considered a major carrier? On the link, it also did not mention that Sprint has worked on MMS interoperability with Cingular Wireless (and former AT&T Wireless customers). Also, how about Nextel?
Nextel won't be able to share with anyone... because their technology is too far behind until they start using Sprints technology...
Exerpt from Article

The list of operators with MMS interoperability is escalating.
Besides Sprint,
Verizon Wireless has MMS interoperability with Cingular Wireless, Leap Wireless, Alltel and U.S. Cellular.

Sprint has MMS interoperability wi...
https://www.phonescoop.com/news/item.php?n=1278 »
This is the article explaining where cingular and sprint had interpolability.
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