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FCC Formally Approves Verizon's Cable Spectrum Deal

Article Comments  4  

Aug 23, 2012, 2:50 PM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated Aug 23, 2012, 2:53 PM

The Federal Communications Commission today officially and formally granted Verizon Wireless permission to purchase 122 AWS spectrum licenses from a consortium of cable companies, as well as other transactions with T-Mobile USA and Leap Wireless. The deal has already won approval from the Department of Justice and an informal nod from FCC chair Julius Genachowski. Today's action by the FCC is the government-sanctioned greenlight for which Verizon Wireless has been waiting. The FCC did, however, issue some conditions and provisions to which Verizon must adhere. Verizon Wireless must close its proposed spectrum transfer with T-Mobile USA within 45 days of its closing of the SpectrumCo, Cox, and Leap transactions. Verizon will have to provide service to 30% of the areas covered by its new AWS spectrum holdings within three years of completing the transaction, and 70% of the new areas within seven years. Verizon Wireless also has to agree to offer roaming agreements "for commercial mobile data services on any of its spectrum in the areas where it is acquiring AWS-1 spectrum to other commercial mobile data service providers on commercially reasonable terms and conditions." Verizon has to offer these roaming terms for five years. Verizon plans to use the spectrum to enhance its LTE 4G network.


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Aug 23, 2012, 3:16 PM

Man! These guys...

Are monsters! 😲

JD & Power just came out saying VZW's network performs better than all others. They're gobbling up spectrum. In bed with the cable companies. And they're pushing customers to more profitable "Share Everything" plans.
What's next...world domination!?! 😳
I am sure the plan is to increase profits by any means necessary. Would you expect anything less of a successful company? Be disappointed with Justice for failing the consumer not Verizon for being the greedy behemoth that it has always been.

Aug 23, 2012, 8:40 PM


Since Verizon has 75% of the population covered with 4G now doesn't that mean they met these conditions. I understand that the AWS spectrum Verizon bought does not cover everyone. From what I understood from previous articled that these linceses of AWS spectrum are in major cities and are going to be use to help with congestion.

What I don't understand is if these linceses are not rural than how is this a competive deal? I know AWS is band for rural areas so why not block the deal and let regional carriers buy these linceses to help them expand. It is probably because this is unused spectrum.
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